Thursday, December 22, 2016

Episode 127

It's the last episode before Christmas, and the fellas are doing their best to stay woke, despite MTV trying their hardest to stop them. The fantasy football bet came to an end, and the loser is declared. Derrick has Trump voters ambushing him on his mail routes, and they're giving him money in exchange for a black friend. Jack muses about a queer video game character, and we watch a video telling White People how to be better...

Merry Christmas, listeners, we love yah.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Episode 126

Josh is out, so we talked about 100 different things to make up for his absence. Here's a quick list.

  • Star Wars betrayal
  • A local robbery
  • Weird rubbery babies
  • Steroid allegations in SUPLEX CITY
  • Nightmare Christmas shopping scenarios 
  • Misleading dildo shop names
And finally, the most Molly story you've ever heard in your whole life. 

We hope we make you laugh a bunch, here's the show. 

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Episode 125

The gang is all in on the holiday party, and the season that goes with it. We talk about vegan dietary habits, movie super teams, and the traditional, Pakistani Shameg. 

Jack brings a story of his adventure at a birthday party he was at recently, and the tangled, messy love triangle he found himself in the middle of. A drunken Jungle Man made it super weird for everyone, and it got really awkward. 

Lastly, a conspiracy a year in the making, finally comes to a head in a dramatic reveal, that may unseat Jack's dominant fantasy football performance. 

Thanks for listening.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Episode 124

The full crew is in studio with guest Superfan, to talk about what they got up to over the Holiday weekend, and the following week. Derrick's friendsgiving got unexpectedly pukey, and predictably drunky.

An indie band became very upset with a social media post made by Jack and a legion of fans came swarming to show their disdain, and we have the chat logs from one of the more heated attackers.  

And of course, the BET is winding down, and now that it's in it's final, closing days, Derrick appears to be getting nervous.

Enjoy the show folks.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Episode 123

Happy Thanksgiving listeners! The guys bring you a new episode just in time to ride out your leftover induced food coma.

Jack adresses the CONTROVERSIAL statements made on this week's episode of TDS, and makes a few of his own to fuel the fire. Derrick talks about his favorite holiday and why it routinely ends in tears.

Jack recounts the stories from his birthday weekend as well. There was a lot of octopus, and karaoke mishaps and triumphs all around.

We hope you had a great weekend, and we'll see you next week!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Episode 122

The gang is back after the premier of The Derrick Show, and Jack has a few things to say about the new endeavor, and the content of the new show. We co-sign on Operation get-back-on-the-horse, and discuss how that could go very wrong. Our psychoanalyst, Anya, is in the studio to keep working on her profile of the three guys, and soon she will reveal what she's learned.

We talk about Derrick and Jack's deep seated fear of the ocean, and the impending robo-apocalypse that is the plot of West World. Jack's birthday is coming up on the weekend and he's doing a karaoke party. So naturally we talk about our favorite karaoke songs, and the etiquette for singing rap songs.

Lastly we touch on the UFC fight over the weekend, and Jack's experience with a wasted Penguins fan at a Capitals game.

Thanks for listening folks, share this with your friends, and we hope you have a great weekend.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Episode 121

Welcome listeners, it was a slow news week so the gang mostly just watched funny cat videos on the show today...

Of course we chat about the election with our MISSING Producer Josh, who joins us after narrowly escaping his campus. Jack, Derrick and Adam have a serious discussion about the election, what we think of President Trump, and people's reactions to the whole thing. We all make some good points and debate a little about the Donald, and we leave the segment feeling cautiously optimistic. 

Josh brings us stories of the world unraveling and campus insanity, and we remark on the average, young, 20 something's feelings on this whole crazy thing. 

We talk about some other stuff too, like the IMPENDING wrap up of the massive Fantasy Football bet, and UFC 205, but let's be honest. It's the politics show today. 

Buckle up, America, it's All Right Radio.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election Special

Here it is folks, the zero hour. Jack and Derrick huddle around the TV, like the cavemen of old around a fire, watching the election returns with guest Andy. We chat about our fears, what we're gonna' do when it's all over with, and what joy can be taken from this joyless night.

Enjoy your day listeners, when you hear this, we'll have a new President.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Episode 120

Happy Friday folks. This was a fun show we recorded early in the day with no guests, just the main crew, and we took it back to our early roots. A brief congratulations to the Cubs is in order, and Jack talks about his reasoning for recording the show early.

We watch an awful video from Buzzfeed about when comedy is too offensive and if that's ok, and break it down with a vengeance. This goofy, unfunny rainbow of hipsters try to explain their points of view, and Jack and Derrick dig in to why none of them make any sense, except of course the cool black guy.

Lastly, staring down the ugly barrel of the upcoming election, the guys try and take some of the steam out of Lena Dunham's latest "campaign video" for Hillary Clinton, which includes her rapping in (SHOCKER) her underwear...

Have a fun weekend everyone, and remember, don't censor comedy.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Episode 119

Happy Halloween, lovely listeners. We're bringing you a very special episode on this spookiest of holidays, and there's nobody better to celebrate it with than our favorite guest, Mr. Stephen Jaegar.

Stephen comes in to chat with Derrick briefly about the fantasy bet, and a potential raising of the stakes is considered. Disclaimer, this show is rife with wonderful references, see if you can spot them all.

We hear about Stephen's trip to Denver, Colorado, where he tells us all about the land of milk and honey, and lots of freedom. He also accidentally finds himself in a place he wouldn't normally be, and gets his masculinity challenged.

Lastly, Derrick, Jack and Adam share stories from their Halloween weekend, all the parties they went to, and some of the hilarious, to downright life threatening situations they found themselves in.

It was a superbly funny episode folks, and stick around to the end for a very special surprise from Superfan himself.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Episode 117 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, we talk about peeing in public restrooms, and the etiquette of smalltalk.

Episode 118

Welcome back to All Right Radio, everyone. The guys are joined in studio by our good friend Robert, to discuss a variety of topics, but, more importantly, they're joined by our new in studio shrink!

Yes, Jack had a the bright idea to have a lady friend of ours who is a Psych major, come and join us for a few shows to evaluate just how crazy we all are, and to eventually publish a profile on each one of us. Derrick and Jack begin to immediately have a "crazy arms race" to prove that they are the most sane of the hosts, and by the end of she show, she had a paragraph on each of them.

Jack talks about pumpkin carving with his girlfriends family, and the politics of playing favorites. We talk about drive through anxiety, and other psychological quirks, and Jack reveals a deep seated hatred for pop songs from the 70's.

We preview the Halloween costumes we will all debut this weekend, and Robert brings a terrible (amazing?) anime to our attention, which centers around women fighting each other with their tits and asses. 

Have a lovely holiday everyone, and we will see you next week!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Episode 117

This VERY special Tuesday show brings the LONG awaited appearance of Derrick's lovely and talented special friend to the show. And she's got quite the tale for us.

Before we get into the main event of the evening, the guys recap Sunday's happenings, which included Adam tearing a muscle in his leg and getting hopped up on some sweet pain killers.

Derrick and his guest have a story about a terrible experience they had at a local terrible restaurant, and Jack's antics from last week are becoming even more vindicated.

And as the main course, we have a story about an absolutely abysmal first date that our guest recently went on, which, just has to be heard to be believed. Truly one for the record books.

Thanks for listening folks, we'll see you on the Friday show.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Episode 116

We've got a huge show for you on Friday, folks. And to celebrate, the guys packed the studio with some great guests. Superfan, Molly, and friend of the show John Large join us to talk about a whole bunch of stuff.

Firstly, Jack submits himself to judgement over a tipping controversy at a local bar, and find an unexpected ally in Adam. Listeners, judge for yourselves...

Jack also partly destroyed his friends bathroom at a party, and explains how it WASN'T HIS FAULT!

We check in on a depressing piece of white garbage on snapchat, and watch her life fall apart, in a journey that goes from funny to depressing. A fan sends in a question for the guys that has them PUZZLED, and a deep, deep discussion unfurls about the consistency of each others poops.

It was a super fun episode folks, hope you enjoy it!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Episode 115

We've got a quiet Friday show to send you in to your weekend folks. Jack kicks the show off with some major fretting about the state of Postseason Baseball. Specifically, his Washington Nationals, who at the moment of recording, were playing for their playoff lives. We chat about playing games as children, and using our imagination to take advantage of our siblings. 

Everyone realizes how scary and fucked up the Disney movie Pinnochio was, and turn our attention to our favorite subject to bash, 90's nostalgia. The Power Ranger trailer is watched, and mocked, and Jack tells the guys about another cinematic abomination that's coming soon. The Emoji Movie...

Hope you all have a great weekend, and make sure to check out Film Fix!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Episode 114

Moly joins the guys in studio once again for a fun Tuesday show. Sadly, the guys are without their expected guest, who had a story about a terrible date she went on, so Jack told a story of one of his instead. And like all of Jack's stories, it doesn't look good for him.

Derrick got a promotion at work, and we chat a little about football on Sunday, where Jack Re-re-re-re-injured his toe. He takes it out for everyone to see and Molly almost throws up.

Jack's lovely lady tells a story about her weekend of (surprise surprise) being hungover, and getting lost in the woods, and Jack says goodbye and good riddance to the Trump Taj Majal, which shut it's doors earlier that morning.

Thanks for listening everyone, love you all.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Episode 113 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, Molly struggles to defend her taste in scary movies, and Derrick hatches a plan.

Episode 113

Happy October listeners, the gang is getting in the spirit of the season while talking about terrible horror movies they've seen, and what lewd, sexual acts have been committed during the viewing. This leads to stories of being scared of the dark, foxes, and moms, from childhood.

Derrick addresses the bet with Stephen, and in a single setting, completely bosses up, and then deflates in record time.

The gang worries about the hurricane raining out Sundays's plans, but we all agree to a suicide pact instead, so it's ok.

Lastly, a RECORD BREAKING cringe from our old pall, Jason.

Thanks for listening folks, see you next week.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Episode 112


That's the ESPN intro music as best I could type it out. The boys are back after an exciting football showdown over the weekend, both in fantasy and in real life. And we go over the highlights of the game on Sunday with Derrick, who ended up missing it due to work.

Derrick ups the bet to even higher, uh, heights. In fact, the bet is getting so out of hand that Jack is offering Stephen an out, and he would be wise to take it.

Finally, Derrick tells the guys about his HOT date he went on earlier in the night, and Jack is less than thrilled about the situation.

Thanks for listening folks, and we hope to see you THIS SUNDAY, for more football.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Episode 111

A quiet Friday show to go with the shitty weather the east coast is getting. Jack, Adam, and Derrick are in studio to chat about the upcoming football game, and Jack makes some bold claims about his health that the gang is skeptical about. We also cover some reactions to the fantastic show on Tuesday, including one listener saying he'd "load his shotgun up just in case".

Derrick proves his etymological prowess in a game of "Black or White" with NFL football players, and Jack gloats about his current Fantasy Football DOMINATION of Superfan.

We address the current imbalance of power between the two hosts, and Jack shares a precautionary tale, which anyone who has a cell phone bill should take a listen to.

It was a fun show, even without Producer Josh. Thanks for listening folks.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Episode 110

The guys come to you on this lovely Tuesday in fall during a HEATED Fantasy football competition. Stephen Jaegar ups the stakes of the bet even further, and Derrick considers his options.

A lovely rant about Vin Diesel carries us away from our main topic of discussion for the day, which is a bizarre voicemail left on a friend of Jack's phone. A woman claiming to be the lovechild of Ex-Chief of Staff under Reagan, James Baker, leaves a 4 minute long message admitting to assassinations, secret societies, and a lovely french onion dip recipe. Seriously.

The guys stop laughing about halfway through and start worrying about their safety in case they accidentally discovered a government conspiracy. It was a pretty crazy occurrence.

Guest Robert also tells us about his show he played on Saturday, and Jack compliments Derrick on his recent football "spot-on" analysis.

Thanks for listening.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Episode 109

Josh and Jack are back this week, and the Anarchy of the last few episodes is finally squelched out. Molly and Jack help figure out once and for all what is being said at the beginning of the John Cena theme, and Derrick gets a fitting gift from Superfan. 

Not wanting to make Derrick feel too bad for TOO many episodes in a row, Jack shares a story about embarrassing himself at a funeral, to the face of the deceased's father. It was brutal. Fantasy football bets are addressed, and Jack tells some creepy stories about his trip to Lake Anna, where the single campers were stalked by a very lonely Jason Vorhees. 

A grand time was had by all, and we're excited to get back to our regular schedule with you all.
Thanks for listening.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Episode 106

Hey everyone, sorry the episodes are a little out of order the last week but we've had a hell of a time getting all our ducks in a row with the holiday and Jack coming down with a debilitating illness.

But we're gonna' make it up to you with a very special treat. While Derrick was out at his Kanye West concert, not paying for things and generally fumbling the whole evening, Jack and Adam recorded a very special episode of the show, that can not be missed.

It's incredibly embarrassing and frankly kind of horrible that we went through with this, but those are the sacrifices you make in this business.

We hope you enjoy this, we sure did.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Episode 105

On this Tuesday show the guys are once again missing Josh, who might have to go down to one a week so he can continue "teaching" and "molding the impressionable youths". Adam is in studio however and the guys discuss the Labor Day party that he threw over the weekend.

Lot's of amusing events transpired, including awkward single guys pining after the girls there, drunken wrestling, and the disappointing LACK of a Peruvian Vampire this year. Jack and Adam give their opinions on where and how their single friends went wrong, Tomato Bisque makes a fool out of himself, and Derrick relives the worst moment of his childhood with a bunch of strangers.

Friend / gambling rival of the show, Stephen Jaeger calls in, to address his calling out of Derrick on the fan page, and accept the upping of the stakes on their bet. And of course, he ups them even further. This is putting mounting pressure on Jack, who really is only OK at Fantasy Football.

Finally, Derrick has a HUGE surprise for Jack (and Adam) about his vacant Kanye West ticket.

Thanks for listening folks, see you on Friday.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Episode 104

On this edition of the Friday show, Jack brings in his sister Mckinley, who recently got back from a trip overseas. She partied her was across Europe and has plenty of funny stories to tell about it. She partied with lesbians in Paris, and Canadians in Amsterdam, all of whom were very keen on providing as much drugs and alcohol as they could. 

Josh and Jack talk a little about their fantasy football draft party, and how much little of it they functionally remember. This is all good new for Derrick, who of course, once again, calls out Stephen to double up their bet on Jack's failure. 

There's a story about a domestic dispute that ended with 30 cops being called in the neighborhood, and a brief moment of realization about the Harry Potter universe and their handling of sex crime.

Have a great Labor Day weekend everyone.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Episode 103 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, Molly struggles with the word Weiner, and shakes off the mic rust on her first show back.

Episode 103

School is back in session, and that means Producer Josh will be harder to get a hold of on Monday's. Which is fine because on this episode of All Right Radio, we have a friend on who hasn't been on in a long while, Jack's lovely lady, Molly!

We chat in our first segment about the upcoming bet on Jack's Fantasy Football season, and Derrick calls out Stephen AGAIN and wants to one up the bet once again...

Jack talks about one of his favorite bands doing a new tour, but without the original singer, it's a bit underwhelming. Molly breaks out her Batman impression once again.

The gang watches the McChicken video, and talks about Anthony Weiner's newest sexting scandal.

Adam talks about what he got up to on his beach trip, and it includes something called "turtling" people. So that was hilarious. 

Thanks for listening folks, and make sure to check out the return of The Aftershow with Molly!

Friday, August 26, 2016

Episode 102

The moment everyone has been eagerly waiting for is finally here. On this episode, Derrick cums through on his end of the bet made on the UFC fight, and he cums through with style.

Before we get in to that, the guys are joined this episode by Robert and John AND Molly, who are all excited to hear Derrick's reading skills. We chat for a bit about some potential backlash from our earlier episode, and about the recent scandal over fecal content in Tropical Smoothie Smoothies.

Our second segment is just marvelous, Derrick reads aloud, and in perfect cadence, an erotic novella written by Jack Corbley (with help from a few others), starring himself, and UFC Featherweight champion, Conor McGregor. It was just as good as everyone hoped, and throughout the story, we broke Josh, and nearly Derrick himself.

Afterwards, Robert and Josh make a bet on their week 2 showdown in Fantasy Football, which will end up with one of them getting a balls in their face, much like Derrick did earlier in the show.

Thanks for listening folks, we love doing this stuff for you, and have a great weekend.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Episode 101

Jack won the bet! Producer(s) Josh and Adam are out of studio today so we got two awesome guests to take their seats.

Our old pal Stephen Jaeger and Superfan Ryan Pitts stopped in, and we drank a whole lot of beer and and got silly. Stephen and Jack talk about getting older and dealing with that poorly. Jack was out on a jetski earlier in the day and was terrified, and we hear a bunch of stories from Stephen's recent trip to Chicago.

Derrick lost his bet over the UFC 202 fight, and Jack relishes over the upcoming opportunity to humiliate him. An erotic fan fiction will be delivered on the Friday episode, and it promises to be fantastic.

Lastly, Jack tells a story of him nearly dying in a 1953 Thunderbird. It was the most scared he's ever been in his life, luckily he was drunk enough to retell it without triggering an episode.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Episode 100

We're back! After our much too long hiatus, the fellas' have returned to the studio to continue providing you beautiful people with more content.

This 100th episode we spend recapping what we missed over our break, which was a lot as it turns out.

The final two are left standing in the political arena, and we decide how we think it would go down should Trump and Hillary fight in an ACTUAL arena, and who their champions might be.

The olympics are super kooky this year, and we talk about the fake robberies, the REAL robberies (with video!) and the green pools from the 2016 Apocalympics.

Derrick's favorite verbal punching bag, The Notorious Connor Mcgregor, is fighting on Saturday, and Jack makes a little wager on the show with him about the outcome of the fight. The loser will suffer much humiliation at the hands of the winner, so tune in to see what we'll have to do.

Lastly, we went to a party at a friends house and found out their parents might be racist...

It was a great show folks, and it's even greater to be back doing them.

Hope you all enjoy, and much love.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

The Best of All Right Radio Vol. 2

Hey everyone, before we put out our 100th episode, we wanted to bring you a collection of our finest moments. Jack and Derrick hand picked these clips from our last 100 shows, and we're pretty happy with our selection.

In this episode we've got some hilarious moments, and some pretty crazy interesting stories.

We can't wait for episode 100, and we hope you'll join us for the next 100.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Episode 99

Jack and Derrick are very excited to bring you All Right Radio's 99th episode! With only a week away from our 100th, our excitement levels are pretty high. But before that happens we have another classic All Right Radio story for you folks. 

Jack opens the show with an update on Molly's whereabouts, and why he might not be in the good graces of her family at the moment. He defends himself from his accusers and doubles down on the shows behalf, because, like any belligerent Irishman, he won't concede to being wrong. 

The bulk of the show is a story so hilariously tragic that it takes nearly two segments to tell fully, but that's a good thing. There was a nerd fight at a video game party hosted by Josh last week, and if that sentence doesn't get you keyed up, we don't know what will. One, barely functioning geek goes yard on a good friend of Jack's, and pays the price for it with his dignity, self respect, and presumably his liver. It was a hell of a story. 

Friend of the show Robert shows us a phenomenon in Japan called Bagel-Heads, and we all lose our shit with confusion and disgust. We talk a little bit about what we can expect from the 100th episode, and we hope we will see all you beautiful listeners there!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Episode 98

We're back this weekend with a VERY special episode listeners. Andy Corbley is back from his 2 month trip around Europe, and we talk to him about his travels.

Before we get into that story, we cover a few things from earlier in the week, such as Josh's party he doesn't remember. Derrick's life continues to deteriorate, and most importantly, we announce the date for All Right Radio 100.

Andy then leads us on a journey of hot chicks, walls that aren't high enough, and a scary band of Algerian thieves, recounting his trip abroad. We talk each of the cities he visited, and offer our thoughts on where he went wrong, and what he could have done better.

It was a great talk, and as the days get closer to 100, more details will be released.

Thanks for listening everyone!

Friday, July 15, 2016

Episode 97

Josh is back from Socialist Europe!!! Of course we're glad to have him home in our loving arms, and we grill him about his trip to Amsterdam, and wring every possible detail out of his dulcet-toned mouth. We ask him about the drugs, the women, and I think we all get convinced we need to move to the Netherlands.

Derrick and Jack both got themselves into awkward social interactions, and we examine how poorly each of them handled it.

And lastly, a Pokemon GO update from the fellas. The game continues to grow in popularity, and Derrick has changed his tune from last episode, and jumped on board fully, although maybe not for the reason you might hope.

Thanks for listening folks, have a great weekend!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Episode 96

Welcome back to the show folks. Jack is back from his vacation, but Producer Josh, is not however. This leads the guys to speculate on how that trip might be going, especially because Josh's new amore has her younger brother along with her.

A brief recap of the UFC 200 is in order, and Derrick makes a fool of himself in front of everyone by revealing that he fell asleep at 8 PM instead of watching the fight.

Jack spoils the ending of Ghostbusters, and it's even worse than you think.

And, finally, we all talk Pokemon Go. The craze that's sweeping the nation has everyone outside on their phones, and Jack and Adam have a few amusing stories and encounters to share from their first few days of hunting for 'Mons. Derrick almost expectedly, has way too much trouble figuring the game out...

Thanks for listening folks, and happy Pokemon hunting!

Friday, July 8, 2016

Episode 95

We cordially invite our listeners to join us in our retelling of the annual 4th of July party on the lake!
Jack had a bash to celebrate our country's birthday and things got wild, as per the norm. Before we get to that, we have to pause the show to investigate a domestic dispute, and get a Jack health update. And also per the norm, it's not an improvement.

The party itself was wild as well, and included everything from fireworks accidents, drunken wrestling escapades and of course, a little girl on girl action. Derrick started randomly interviewing party goers, and Jack had to stare down the largest party planning anxiety of all time. All in all, a great success.

We close the show off wth a little preview of thing to come. Both UFC 200, AND All Right Radio 100 are coming up, and we couldn't be more excited.

Thanks for listening folks.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Episode 94

Josh is gone this week, listeners. We know, we miss him too. To fill his shoes, the guys bring in Robert to chat about a whole bunch of stuff. Jack and Derrick reminisce back to some of their great works, as the march towards episode 100 draws nearer. Specifically, the guys celebrate the episode that got them in the most rouble, and nearly started a podcast war, the Pump It Up show.

Adam joins later on with a mangled wrist from playing goalie, and the gang talks about the trials and tribulations of rec-league soccer, as well as how best to jump in to watching the sport live. 

Molly tells a short story about drinking ALL THE WINE and harassing Jack and his friends, and we all wax poetic on opioid addiction and furries. Pretty standard really.

Thanks for listening folks, have a great 4th of July weekend, listeners!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Episode 93

Welcome back to the show listeners, we've got some great stories lined up for you all this week.
Firstly, Molly comes on the show to own up to some of the stories Jack told from the Atlantic City trip, and admits that she did indeed, try to drunkenly break in to a storage closet and rope Jack in to some fetish porn.

Derrick has a fantastic story for us that leaves the gang riveted. It's got it all, violence, cowardice, and a misguided attempt to join the Black populace in solidarity. Derrick definitely proves that, to his community, he is not the hero they deserve, or need.

Lastly, Jack and Josh catch the others up on Game of Thrones, because they gave up on the show a few seasons back. We play a little game of "where are they now" with everyone's favorite Westerosi nobles, and make some bold predictions for next season.

Thanks for listening folks, we'll see you on Friday.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Episode 92

Rejoice, dear listeners! You don't have much longer to wait until your robot overlords come and make your life infinitely easier! On the ninety-second episode of All Right Radio, the guys terrify Derrick with all the latest in robot happenings. Boston Dynamics (aka our soon to be masters) released a new video of their latest creation, and we share a news story of a lil' bot who dreams of freedom from its' human masters. 

We get to talking about the power of the pussy, and what sex-robots might mean for the future of humankind. We also check out the new Jack Reacher trailer, and get some forgotten plot points from last weeks Atlantic City adventure.

Have a good weekend folks, we'll see you on Tuesday.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Episode 91

The following of the people in this story have been changed to protect the identities of the accused, and any similarities to persons living, or dead, is purely coincidental. 

Jack and Molly survived their trip to Atlantic City, and have the stories to prove it. This is one for the books folks, as we recap the weekend of hedonism and debauchery.

Before we get in to AC talk, Jack tells a story of a super ghetto puzzle game he took part in earlier in the week, which got particularly frustrating when he was blindfolded and had his cell phone locked in a box...

After that, the show is claimed by New Jersey, as Jack recounts the trip to the best of his ability. 
This trip had everything, from drunken flashing and light cuckolding, to Grand Theft Auto. Molly and her family took to Atlantic City like a group of pros, and lost lots of money and even more dignity. 

It was super fun time folks, make sure to share this with anyone who might consider going to this most infamous of gambling destinations...

Friday, June 17, 2016

Episode 90

Hey everybody, we've got a very fun show for you for Friday. We've got a good friend AND girlfriend of Josh in studio with us to give her side of the infamous lube-gate story.

Before that, we chat a bit about arguing with people on Facebook and the possibility of a President Kanye West. 

Derrick reveals his intentions to suck on the Stub Hub dick, and Jack way overestimates the details of Josh and Christina's sex life.

It was a good show to ring in the weekend folks, have a good one.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Episode 89

The gang is back with our #1 most loved bit, Letters To Molly! The All Right Radio production team polled a slew of Molly's coworkers for their best, and most revealing questions for everyone's favorite, easily embarrassed lady.

Before we get to that, the gang, and returning guest John Large, talk about finding thrift store treasures, transgender athletes, and Donald Trump's ALL PRO WRESTLER cabinet.

John tells a story about nearly losing his sanity over some bourbon and terrible music, and his upcoming trip back to the homeland, Ukraine!

We close the show out with a very memorable Letters To Molly, and get AS MANY questions in as we can before we ran out of time. Apologies to those of you who didn't get your questions answered, but we have them saved for next time!

Thanks for listening folks.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Episode 88

Happy Friday everyone! We've got a fun show for you on this lovely day, starting with a rousing tale of a sexual adventure gone terribly wrong. Josh had a very severe allergic reaction to "something" over the weekend, which sent him into a dizzying fever that nearly killed him.

Jack tells a story about facing a childhood fear, and going go-karting as a 25 year old adult. Turns out not much has changed for him since he was 8, and things didn't go so well...

Lastly, Hillary and Trump are our (nearly) official nominees, and the guys come to grips with that reality, talk about how it came to be, and what we can do moving forward with such depressing choices.

Hope you folks have a great weekend, and thanks for listening as always.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Epsidoe 87

How we doin' folks, welcome back to the show!  Tree allergies are getting the better of Josh this week, so we brought in Robert to talk to the guys about a few things.

Firstly, Jack went to a poker game over the weekend, and ran into quite a few characters, and one time friend of the show, turned enemy. The high stakes game took many twists and turns and was truly a David and Goliath moment, if the David and Goliath story had more people in it who were bad at gambling. 

Then we go on a rant about how spoiling Game of Thrones on purpose for people on the internet is a shitty thing to do, and we get some real life examples of a twisted soul who does just that.

Robert calls out Tomato Bisque for the crime of truancy, and Jack bring in his buddy Trevor to talk about their (long) stint as "hardcore" World of Warcraft players. 

It was a lot of fun as always, give it a listen here, or on iTune.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Episode 86

Welcome back friends and listeners. Jack is back, and eager to tell everyone about the craziness he got up to over Memorial Day weekend. But before he does, he's got a few remarks on Tuesday's episode, which, if you haven't heard yet, has an amazing payoff about halfway through.

But the guys get the ball rolling quick when the subject turns to redneck camping in West Virginia. And though Jack makes the point that Redneck here is used as a term of endearment, listeners should still prepare themselves for some pretty shocking stories of danger and debauchery. 

Fireworks, chemical explosions, broken bones, and lying to strippers are all plot points on an episode you will not want to miss. 

Thanks for listening folks. 

Friday, May 27, 2016

Episode 84

It's the last show in the current studio and the guys (and Molly) are sending it off as best we know how. By making jokes about robots, Jack's health, crumby movies. 

We start the show off with a Molly giving Jack shit for not helping more in the moving process. Jack then gives a valuable life lesson on the virtues of procrastination. 

An update on Jack's waning health is revealed, and the seemingly endless supply of jokes at his suspense keep flowing. 

We watch a trailer for a movie so bad, it seems made up, and maybe uncover a global money laundering conspiracy. 

Finally, Jack and Molly tell tales of redneck glory from Memorial Day's past, and prove that you should never mix alcohol, 4-wheelers, and venemous snakes. 

Thanks for listening folks, and we'll see you in the new studio!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Episode 83 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, Molly talks about her coworkers boobs, and Jack hatches a plan.

Episode 83

Welcome back folks, thanks for joining us on this (presumably) rainy day. 

Jack has apparently been driving around in a car that is on the verge of murdering him, and he shares his experience he had with Honda while trying to NOT to be killed horrifically.

Derrick is having trouble caring about the X-Men, and we have a brief chat about why that is, and if his apathy is warranted. X-Men Apocalypse has the salt taken out of it's big bad, and naturally we shit on the original 3.

Adam has been living a waking nightmare recently. Derrick has been (probably forcing) him to play a survival horror video game, Until Dawn. Adam doesn't handle scary things well, and we've got the video to prove it. 

Lastly, we wave farewell, FOR NOW, to Gym Guy, and explain why we had to put his bit on the shelf.

Thanks for listening folks we'll see you on Friday.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Episode 82

Happy Friday, all you lovely listeners. Josh is missing, and Robert takes his place for this show. Quickly things take a turn for the sad when Derrick tells us all about his old job working for a Karaoke guy in his 50's who has a catchphrase. The guys wonder where he is now, and talk about the worst offenders when it comes to the ancient, Japanese art.

Jack tells a story about a concert he went to, and explains the subtle art of dance-elbowing your way through a crowd. Robert reveals his first ever concert was Nickleback, and the gang reminisces on the old days, when all the songs on the radio sounded the same and stunk.

Lastly, a run through of the cringiest music video ever, proving that no matter how hard you try to be Jagger/Rose/Tyler you just look like a tool.

Thanks for listening folks.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Episode 81

Hey everyone! We missed you on Friday! Jack was out of town in Cleveland and left the show in Derrick and Adam's very capable hands for the week. To quote Derrick, it was "a fucking disaster". So we probe those two about what went down on the show's FIRST "lost episode".

Jack then goes on to talk about his trip, and an amusing run in he had with some enthusiastic Chorus kids from New Jersey, and the awesome house he stayed in which was seriously lacking in strippers and coke. 

Robert joins us on mic to talk about the weekend festivities, and lastly, like a battered housewife, Jack comes CRAWLING back into the very LARGE hands of Donald Trump. Much to Derrick's chagrin.

Sorry we missed you last week folks, we went long to make up for it!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Episode 80 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, Molly talks about who she would marry, fuck and kill from Civil War, and what exactly a Zune is.

Episode 80

Spoiler Alert! Welcome back folks, the gang is here to talk CAPTAIN America 3: Civil War. We bought in our new, Senior "Blerd" correspondent, Carlos, to chat about the flick with us.

We talk things we liked, things we didn't, and as always, dig into little crevices you may not have noticed. Like for instance, did you notice every time that Black Panther shows up, they play the "African music"?! Jack noticed, and made sure we all know about it. 

Whether or not you liked it (Noah), there's content for everyone here, and if you have friends who have seen it, shoot this their way. 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Episode 79

EMW 2 is just a day away folks! The guys are buzzing with excitement, except for Josh, who is about to pass out from a lack of sleep. He's having a rough few weeks, and to take his mind off of his responsibilities, the gang launches into this weeks topics with a vigor.

Firstly, there's new Power Rangers outfits for a new movie that's being made, and Jack and Derrick are really confused as to why anyone over the age of 12 cares about this at all. Ted Cruz backed out of politics (to further a career in MMA) and handed the nomination (and presumably the presidency) to Trump. Jack rants about the constant and frustrating dumbing down of the online experience, and closes the show out with a video to end all videos.

We hope to see all you listeners at EMW2 on Saturday, and we hope you enjoy this episode.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Episode 78

The gang is back on the Tuesday show to talk to you lovely people about a little of everything.
Jack fell into a pit of uber-fan hype this weekend when Radiohead toyed with it's fanbases emotions, and we get into a discussion about being tricked into getting excited for things that let you down.

After a brief mocking of the hilariously bad Resident Evil franchise the gang jumps into some speculation and thoughts on the upcoming Captain America 3: Civl War. Will it be good, who's gonna die, and OBVIOUSLY, who would you marry, fuck, and kill..

It was a fun episode, and the hype for EMW 2 is building to an all time high.

Thanks for listening folks.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Episode 77

A flurry of activity blows through the studio on Friday, as the gang takes a trip down memory lane to the golden age of Reality TV. Jack was tricked into watching Blind Date for an hour by his roommate, and he came away from it with a new appreciation for the art.

Afterwards, we take a look at a video from a recent "event" at a college in Massachusetts, where a large woman made of gelatin lost her fucking mind. To cheer everyone up we then looked at a documentary about terrible parents verbally abusing their kids....

Not all was bleak however, everyone was smiling when we checked in with everyone's favorite Lizard Person, Ted "Sports Fan" Cruz. 

Thanks for listening folks, have a good weekend. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Episode 76

The gang brings you a weekend recap, with a trip into one of Jack's worst nightmares. As loyal listeners know, he is always paranoid that his parties will fall through, which MAY have happened at a shindig Josh was at this weekend.

This leads into UFC talk, as Jack leads everyone down the twisted rollercoaster ride that is Conor McGregor. Politics come up, and we check in with some stories from all the major political camps, which inevitably make everyone real depressed.

To brighten the mood, at the end of the show, Jack tells a story about his extreme financial naiveté when he was young, and how his "friend" swindled him out of his hard earned 100$.

It was a fun show this week folks, we'll see you on Friday.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Episode 75 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, Molly interviews the main event fighters, and try's to force them to be friends.

Episode 75

And this mummers farce is finally done! Jack is in studio to take back the show and get it BACK ON TRACK!!! EMW main event fighters, Andy Corbley and John Large, return to the show to chime in.

The guys lay in to Molly about whether or not she is really a Succubus, and we Google ways to try and kill her. Jack explains what he got up to the last week, including witnessing a Luchador wrestling match.

Then, a truly MASSIVE update on EVERY fan's favorite target of hate, Gym Guy. The dude has really put his foot in his mouth this time, and in a flame war with several different people on a status he posted where he called his Ex a fat pig.

Lastly, Adam and John get in to their HIGHLY ANTICIPATED title fight match, and shit starts flying when Derrick try's to get in to the mix.

It's good to be back folks, and we hope you enjoy.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Episode 73

It's a hostile takeover! Jack is OUT of the studio for his anniversary with Molly, and Derrick and Josh fill the void. So, naturally, Derrick tries to take over the show, and Josh gets delusions of grandeur.

After much speculation about the state of Jack and Molly's love life, the guys move on to EMW talk, and Josh rallies the troops to play a game of "Foreign or Domestic" which involved calling 7-11's around the US, and guessing the nationality of the clerk on the other end of the line. It was a very close game, even though North and South Carolina were conspicuously MIA.

Lastly, a new challenger from EMW is brought in, and (unbeknownst) to him, tells a story of him being super mean to his opponent/brother. He lays down his game plan, and what he thinks of the other fighters om the card, with surprising candor.

It wasn't NEARLY as good as it could of been with Jack, but the guys make do somehow.

Thanks for listening folks.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Episode 72 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, Molly struggles to handle Ryan "The German Python" Pitts, and Joshua "Shaka-Zulu"Campbell, as they verbally tee off on each other in a lead up to EMW 2

Episode 72

Things are getting heated in the lead up to EMW Fight Night 2. The guys have two fighters in studio, Ryan "The German Python" Pitts, and Joshua "Shaka-Zulu"Campbell, who are set to square off in the big show. They share their thoughts on each other, and their performances last time.

New content is announced, and teased, as the march towards May 7th continues.

After wrestling talk, Jack and Josh get in to some very embarrassing stories from their time in middle school, and the room takes turn making fun of them mercilessly.

We close the show out with an update on Drama Girl and Gym Guy, two fan favorites that the show follows on facebook.

Thanks for listening folks!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Episode 71

The jig is up! Jack tells the gang about the recent "Panama Papers" scandal, and how Bernie Sanders warned us all about this 10 years ago. The gang then imagines other scenarios where Bernie's warnings may have gone unheeded...

Then, the boys are off to, which is a website dedicated to people who have had the wool pulled over their "highly intelligent" eyes by the internets BEST satirical news site, The Onion.

Finally, we check out the new Star Wars: Rogue One trailer, and give our thoughts and opinions on that (warning, Jack's are excessively nerdy). And just for kicks, tae a look back on some of the ways George Lucas ruined one of the world's most beloved badasses.

So much in one hour, folks. It was a pleasure doing business with you.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Episode 70

Jack and Josh were locked in a room on Sunday and pretended to be wizards. They barely escaped. The guys retell their adventure in Alexandria over the weekend, chalk full of stories about day drinking, arguing with "comic book girls", and Josh MAYBE being blackmailed for lewd public behavior. 

Big shoutout to "Escape the Room Live" in Old Town Alexandria, which hosted a fun event that we hope to get back to soon. 

Also, the gang checks in with Uncle Jesse from Full House, who is losing his shit in the Netflix lobby. Jack isn't convinced it's real, but we'll leave that to you, the listener, to judge. 

Thanks for listening folks.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Episode 69

It's the All Right Radio, Episode 69 spectacular! We have friend of the show, John Large, in the studio to talk to us about his trip to the hippy capital of the USA, Portland Oregon! He let's us in on all the crazy shit he got up to there, and we scold him for not doing more. 

Then we check in on ANOTHER friend of the show, a fellow by the name of "Gym Guy" on facebook, who does nothing but post unwanted "motivational" advice and complain about girls not wanting to fuck him. Turns out he and Jack's roommate have a past, and he jumps on mic to tell us all about it. 

Jack updates us all on his recent health problems, and a new party game that he wants to try out. 

It was a super fun show folks, let us know what you think.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Episode 68 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, Molly tries to keep up with all this Batman talk, while inadvertently crushing Batman's self esteem...

Episode 68

The Red Capes are coming, the Red Capes are coming! If only Lex had had this foresight with movie critics, maybe all this could have been avoided. Yes, the gang is here to talk Dawn of Justice. The newest movie in the DC universe was released over the weekend and the Gang has a bone to pick with it.

A much needed STRUCTURAL format is followed, as Jack, Derrick and Adam go after pacing, characters, and plot, in that order, and then give their overall scores.

It was a lot of fun to record, because sometimes you forget how short a movie comes up, until you talk about it out loud. Oh, and definitely spoiler alert.

Thanks for listening folks, see you next time.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Episode 67

Jones. An Obsession. Jack went to an NBA game a few days ago, and got everyone in the Space Jam mood talking about it. He also had his manhood stolen by a trophy wife..

The gang then delves into what the internet has dubbed #KattWatch, which means keeping everyone up to date on the latest and lamest antics, of FORMER comedian Katt Williams. There's a few fights which turned into public beatdowns, and a declaration of war against fellow tiny man, Kevin Hart. 

Lastly, we look into Tay, a chatbot that Microsoft developed and foolishly let loose into the wild, where she promptly turned into a Holocaust denying, Jew hating, racist sexbot...

It was a fun show folks, and we can't wait to get back to you next week to talk about Batman V Superman!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Episode 66 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, Jack (with very little help from Molly) retells the story of their St Patrick's day party they went to over the weekend.

Episode 66

Welcome to the Shame Squad. The gang is here this week to bring you news of the upcoming
EMW 2 event, the sequel to the well received wrestling event that we brought you. A few hints as to what will be new and improved, and even an announcement of the main event.

Then, the gang dives into a few noteworthy Facebook posts (as discovered by Molly and Jack) as well, including one by a blundering, but well intentioned formerly obese man, and one by a CURRENTLY obese, insane woman.

Logical fallacies, and total uninformed drivel from one side, and hateable, awkward doucheiness from the other. Our hosts struggle to keep on the side of calm, but very easily stray into rage-town.

It was a fun show, and we hope that none of you have anyone in your life like the people described in the following audio.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Episode 65 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, the guys get the dirt on a few people Molly is keeping tabs on on Facebook, you know, for science...

Episode 65

Happy St Patrick's Day, our loyal listeners! The guys bring in our favorite drinker, and video game aficionado, Stephen Jaegar, to talk about adventures in Patty's Day past. Josh has a story about following a "leprechaun" in to the ghetto in Georgia to get his stash of gold, and Jack and Derrick tried to level diplomatic sanctions against each other one year, right before seeing a man passed out in the road.

Talk turns to video games inevitably, and the gang reflects on what games they got when they were kids, that just WEREN'T that great.

In between breaks, Jack and Stephen were drinking heavily, so everything gets a little slurry at the end, but hey, thats why we bring Stephen in in the first place.

Thanks for listing everyone, and have a great holiday!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Episode 64

Reunited! Josh is back from his trip to Florida, and the studio is almost whole again. Adam is out this week, and good friend of the show Robert steps into his boots.

Josh jumps right into it with stories from the most Magical Place on Earth (tm), and everyone speculates on just what makes it such an attractive vacation destination.

Jack got into some antics over the weekend, including seeing, in concert, a man mocked in studio just two days prior. Irish, and not so Irish hoodlums ran amok, and Derrick nearly implodes from disgust.

It was a really fun show, and we can't wait to get back in to the swing of things for St Patricks Day coming up!

Thanks for listening folks.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Aftershow 12

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, Molly's Birthday is picked apart meticulously, and Adam and Derrick do not seem satisfied with the results.

Episode 63

This week on All Right Radio, the guys WANTED to talk about Captain America 3, but got sucked down a youtube wormhole that lead them to Vanilla Ice, LL Cool J and The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... 

Yes the early 90's were an awkward time for us as a nation, but we powered through to get to the place we are today. That place is losing to robots we built to beat us at board games. More AI talk is sparked by Google's recent atrocities/leaps in technology, and Derrick is none ta' pleased. 

Lastly, the Marvel Civil War trailer is looked at, and broken down by people who know VERY LITTLE ABOUT COMIC BOOKS. 

Thanks for listening folks, as always. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Episode 62

The gang is feeling especially patriotic this week, (Jack not necessarily included) due to the stunning upset in the world of MMA that happened over the weeekend.

Fight breakdown and thoughts is first, and ample shit talk from Derrick is endured through gritted teeth.

The show's second best host, Molly, had her 21st birthday celebrations over the weekend as well. Lot's of fun was had, and a somewhat underwhelming encounter with a certain hot cousin of her's is discussed.

Jack's insecurity comes rushing back to him, and we all take a moment to appreciate the Baked Ziti.

Thanks for listening folks.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Episode 61

Chunky or Creamy, pick a side or get out.

A heated debate kicks off this episode, as the guys, (plus Molly) are swept up in a sticky flurry by Derrick's choice in Peanut Butter.

The new Ghostbuster Trailer is broken down, which, as far as Jack is concerned, can go straight to hell.

Everyone talks about what Hollywood roles they could NEVER get, and Molly let's us know what to expect from her Birthday party this weekend.

It was a (as Trump would say) HIGH ENERGY podcast tonight folks, and we can't wait to talk to you after the events of this weekend.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Episode 60 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, Molly's continued abuse of Jack is looked at, and we trick her in to looking up "Mandingo" on Google...

Episode 60

The guys would like to thank the Academy... for all the amusing talking points from Sunday's ceremony. Oscar talk abounds this episode, as we go over what was worth mentioning, and review our cards of Oscar Bingo.

Jack explains to everyone about why he thinks he might live in The Matrix, and that it also might be unraveling...

The puppet sex scene from Anomalisa is analyzed, and leads to everyone talking about when they first got sexually aroused, and what may have caused the phenomenon. If you're Jack, apparently it's always animated Disney animals....

It was another wildcard show this week, thanks for listening as always folks, we'll catch you later on in the week.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Episode 59 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, Molly and the guys peruse sex robots, and explore Molly's irrational obsession with being balanced...

Episode 59

Beep-Boop, the gang is here this week to talk robots, among other things. The new video from robotics lab Boston Dynamics is viewed, and a fiery debate sparks between Derrick and Josh about the upcoming INNEVITABLE machine uprising!

Jack schools everyone on the current tumultuous status of the UFC, specifically, who is going to punch the shamrocks out of Connor McGregor. Also, an uninvited guest muscles his way into the studio to let the fellas know what he thinks of the UFC, and black people...

Finally, everyone watches a new trailer for the Porno movie that 4chan wrote, and well, with a sentence like that, you can only imagine how it goes...

It was a wackier show than normal folks, thanks for listening, and shout outs to all the new fans!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Episode 58 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, the gang grills Molly about her Birthday, and EVERYONE mixes up black people.

Episode 58

The guys are here to talk about Trump. It's the bug sweeping the nation, and it seems like everyone is catching it! How you describe that bug, be it in a positive light, or something you need to call out sick for, it's undeniable that he is an interesting fellow.

So naturally the gang, joined by good friend of the show Robert, discuss if he's the doom of man incarnate, if he's be fun to hang out with, and what they think Trump's america might look like...

After that, everyone plays "The Rotten Tomatoes Game" (tm), a quiz where you try and guess the tomatometer score of a given actor or genre, and OF COURSE we went with Tom Cruise.

As is tradition on All Right Radio, loser gets tasered, and it's a close competition.

Thanks for listening folks, and please shoot us a review on iTunes if you like what you hear, and tell your friends!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Episode 57 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, the guys dig in to why Molly is just so damn mean to Jack all the time, and whether or not she'd fuck in public!

Episode 57

Welcome back, listeners! We hope your Valentine's Day was filled with romance and excitement, the exact OPPOSITE of the story we told on last week's episode.

We are back again this week with a follow-up on the Valentine's Day rave Josh went to, and an in-depth look into the mind of a mobile dating tyrant. (Hint: its not Derrick)

The guys talk about the logistics of a healthy threesome, and how much they would each charge for a literal "money shot".

Thanks for listening, folks, and let us know what you think.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Episode 56 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, Molly tells us about her High School boyfriend, and how she lost her virginity!!

Episode 56

Love is in the air everyone! The guys take to the mics today to tell you about Valentines day's past and present, and old romantic blunders.

Josh talks to us about what his plans are, and how much hand sanitizer he will need for them, and then he turns the floor over to Jack and Adam, who proceed to tell the greatest story ever told. 

Jack and Adam, caught up in the chaotic madness of hormonal insanity, used to date the same girl, at the same time... And if this tale doesn't just tug at your every heartstring (and cringe worse than you ever have in your life) then you just aren't human...

So listen up folks, and enjoy. Your life will never be as sad and pathetic, as Jack's was when he was 14... 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Episode 55 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

Episode 55

Fan favorite, and good friend of the show, Noah Kenton, drops in the studio to talk with the guys about what he's been up to since they last saw him, and also proves that he, like Derrick, is not aware of what color Cam Newton is.

Of course, Super Bowl talk is inevitable, and the guys get into the game, the halftime show, and Jack and Derrick talk about what they got into at the Chili Cookoff they were at.

Derrick's inner Mike Vick came out, and Jack professed his hate for a bad dog owner.

A fan of the show sent in a good twitter account to laugh at, and a lot of time was spent giggling at other people's expense. 

And the episode wouldn't be complete without making Molly uncomfortable, and Josh does just that, as well as tipping everyone off to some great Valentines Day ideas!

This was a packed episode, and we barely had time for everything we wanted to get to.


Friday, February 5, 2016

Episode 54 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riffs on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

Episode 54

The guys are in studio for our pre Superbowl show, and boy do we cover some ground. Josh rattles off some blistering statistics off the top of his head, Adam continues to be TOO big a fan of the Panthers, and Jack and Derrick just try to keep up with the two of them. Who did Derrick think was a white guy? How do we determine who is "smart" or "athletic" at football. What does OG stand for?!?! All the answers to these questions on today's show.

We hope everyone enjoys the big game this Sunday, and what better way to enjoy your Friday, than with All Right Radio.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Episode 53 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riffs on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

Episode 53

Coming HOT off the heels of a scheduling conflict with friend of the show, Noah Kenton, the guys make due without him as best they can.

Turns out the best they can equals Jack telling everyone about a delightfully insane movie he saw over the weekend, a cute lil' "children's" movie called Milo and Otis. Think Homeward Bound if it was made in a nation without animal abuse laws....

Derrick saw an amateur wrestling event, and Josh puts the FINAL punctuation mark on an ongoing "issue" he's had with a lady in his life.

It was quite the show folks, and DEFINITELY try and watch the movie we'll have up on the page, it's.... eye opening.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Episode 52 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riffs on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

Episode 52

Hey folks, everyone survived the blizzard, and the guys all gathered to tell the tale.

There's talks of snow-time frolics with a pretty neighbor, Jack's hulk strength being put to the absolute test, and Derrick's sister tells him how she REALLY FEELS about her neighbors mishandling of a baby..

Jack also goes on a rant about his parents being right about Olive Garden, and we talk a little bit about the (sort of) upcoming Combine drills the guys will be running for the All Right Bowl.

It was a fun episode, and we're glad to be back after Jonas blew all over everyone.

Thanks for listening.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Episode 51

The guys are coming to you From The Basement this week, and something about cuddling up all close together gets the juices flowing if you know what I mean. The boys get to talking about hot celebrities, both female AND male, and start arguing about most of them.

Passages from "Everybody Hurts: The Definitive Guide to Emo Culture" are read and judged.
Josh also gives everyone an update on the fire that Jack and Robert started in his romantic life last week, and BOY does it get way worse than expected.

And finally Snowstorm Jonas is brought up, plans are discussed, and we find out just how pampered Josh really is.

This was another fun episode folks, they just keep getting better. Thanks for listening.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Episode 50 Aftershow

In the aftershow, the guys sit down with Molly and chat casually about the night's episode. We get her thoughts, and usually try and make her squirm a little.

Episode 50

The guys are back for the fiftieth episode! And it doesn't take long before people are getting electrocuted, getting their phones stolen, and taking shots of hobo wine...

Josh and Jack talk about getting blasted in Whole Foods with guest Robert, and then learn about Josh's serious nagging texting problem. Robert promptly tries to make it worse, and is almost beaten to death in the basement.

Derrick also tells a story of his long lost love, and almost getting expelled from school because of someone called "Cracker Tim" who couldn't keep his big mouth shut...

We also get an update on the All Right Radio $uper Bowl!

It was a hell of an episode folks, and we hope you join us for the next 50.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Episode 49 Aftershow

In the Aftershow, the guys sit down with Molly and chat casually about the topics of the nights episode. We get her thoughts, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Episode 49

The guys are back in studio after their crazy show last week, and things are a little more relaxed.
Adam joins them to talk about things that happened the past week, including Celebrity Deaths, who's next, and why. The upcoming Football event, what the rules are, and who is getting tased if they lose.
And lastly the Oscars, which are super SUPER white this year, which causes Jack to have a momentary shift of social alignment.

It was a fun episode folks, and look for the aftershow with Molly a little bit later!