Friday, November 11, 2016

Episode 121

Welcome listeners, it was a slow news week so the gang mostly just watched funny cat videos on the show today...

Of course we chat about the election with our MISSING Producer Josh, who joins us after narrowly escaping his campus. Jack, Derrick and Adam have a serious discussion about the election, what we think of President Trump, and people's reactions to the whole thing. We all make some good points and debate a little about the Donald, and we leave the segment feeling cautiously optimistic. 

Josh brings us stories of the world unraveling and campus insanity, and we remark on the average, young, 20 something's feelings on this whole crazy thing. 

We talk about some other stuff too, like the IMPENDING wrap up of the massive Fantasy Football bet, and UFC 205, but let's be honest. It's the politics show today. 

Buckle up, America, it's All Right Radio.

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