Friday, October 28, 2016

Episode 118

Welcome back to All Right Radio, everyone. The guys are joined in studio by our good friend Robert, to discuss a variety of topics, but, more importantly, they're joined by our new in studio shrink!

Yes, Jack had a the bright idea to have a lady friend of ours who is a Psych major, come and join us for a few shows to evaluate just how crazy we all are, and to eventually publish a profile on each one of us. Derrick and Jack begin to immediately have a "crazy arms race" to prove that they are the most sane of the hosts, and by the end of she show, she had a paragraph on each of them.

Jack talks about pumpkin carving with his girlfriends family, and the politics of playing favorites. We talk about drive through anxiety, and other psychological quirks, and Jack reveals a deep seated hatred for pop songs from the 70's.

We preview the Halloween costumes we will all debut this weekend, and Robert brings a terrible (amazing?) anime to our attention, which centers around women fighting each other with their tits and asses. 

Have a lovely holiday everyone, and we will see you next week!

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