Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Episode 105

On this Tuesday show the guys are once again missing Josh, who might have to go down to one a week so he can continue "teaching" and "molding the impressionable youths". Adam is in studio however and the guys discuss the Labor Day party that he threw over the weekend.

Lot's of amusing events transpired, including awkward single guys pining after the girls there, drunken wrestling, and the disappointing LACK of a Peruvian Vampire this year. Jack and Adam give their opinions on where and how their single friends went wrong, Tomato Bisque makes a fool out of himself, and Derrick relives the worst moment of his childhood with a bunch of strangers.

Friend / gambling rival of the show, Stephen Jaeger calls in, to address his calling out of Derrick on the fan page, and accept the upping of the stakes on their bet. And of course, he ups them even further. This is putting mounting pressure on Jack, who really is only OK at Fantasy Football.

Finally, Derrick has a HUGE surprise for Jack (and Adam) about his vacant Kanye West ticket.

Thanks for listening folks, see you on Friday.

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