Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Episode 101

Jack won the bet! Producer(s) Josh and Adam are out of studio today so we got two awesome guests to take their seats.

Our old pal Stephen Jaeger and Superfan Ryan Pitts stopped in, and we drank a whole lot of beer and and got silly. Stephen and Jack talk about getting older and dealing with that poorly. Jack was out on a jetski earlier in the day and was terrified, and we hear a bunch of stories from Stephen's recent trip to Chicago.

Derrick lost his bet over the UFC 202 fight, and Jack relishes over the upcoming opportunity to humiliate him. An erotic fan fiction will be delivered on the Friday episode, and it promises to be fantastic.

Lastly, Jack tells a story of him nearly dying in a 1953 Thunderbird. It was the most scared he's ever been in his life, luckily he was drunk enough to retell it without triggering an episode.

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