Friday, July 29, 2016

Episode 99

Jack and Derrick are very excited to bring you All Right Radio's 99th episode! With only a week away from our 100th, our excitement levels are pretty high. But before that happens we have another classic All Right Radio story for you folks. 

Jack opens the show with an update on Molly's whereabouts, and why he might not be in the good graces of her family at the moment. He defends himself from his accusers and doubles down on the shows behalf, because, like any belligerent Irishman, he won't concede to being wrong. 

The bulk of the show is a story so hilariously tragic that it takes nearly two segments to tell fully, but that's a good thing. There was a nerd fight at a video game party hosted by Josh last week, and if that sentence doesn't get you keyed up, we don't know what will. One, barely functioning geek goes yard on a good friend of Jack's, and pays the price for it with his dignity, self respect, and presumably his liver. It was a hell of a story. 

Friend of the show Robert shows us a phenomenon in Japan called Bagel-Heads, and we all lose our shit with confusion and disgust. We talk a little bit about what we can expect from the 100th episode, and we hope we will see all you beautiful listeners there!

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