Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The All Right Radio Holiday Party

The guys bring you exclusive audio of their show recorded at the All Right Radio Holiday party. Hosted at the studio itself, we bring you a mixed bag of Christmas (and Kwanza) cheer, and drinking and violence.

There is drinking games, a cocktail contest, white elephant, and someone probably gets stabbed in the hand .

There was also prizes for our loyal listeners, and the faint sound of a few people hitting each other with quarters in the backgroud.

It was a beautiful night, with a crackling fire and lots of holiday cheer. So sit down with us and join in the fun!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Episode 45

The guys are back after a long week to talk all about holiday shopping, Star Wars, and the buying video games blindfolded (figuratively)...

Adam joins the crew in studio as they go over a spoiler free detailing of The Force Awakens, and decide where it places in terms of awesome lightsaber fights...

They also talk about the upcoming All Right Radio HOLIDAY party, and learn that Derrick, actually celebrates Kwanza. He tells us what that means, and we all learn to be more diverse.

Jack retells the story about how he hurt his ass, and we bemoan the evils of last minute Holiday shopping.

All that and much, much more, on this weeks episode!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Episode 44

Hey folks, we're here to help you start your week off right! And what better way to do that than to relive what a great weekend it was for everyone.

We talk about all the fights at UFC 194, a potentially life changing game of flag football, and weather or not Jack took too much of a toll on his body (he did).

After that, the Star Wars hype train keeps rolling as we come close to the Friday release, and the guys bring in Molly to talk a little bit about her vast knowledge of the franchise.

Jack and Derrick make their predictions, and Josh resists spoiling the ending for everyone. Molly then tries her hand at a little game of true or false, to put her trivia skills to work.

It was a super fun episode, and we will see you all on SATURDAY for the post Force Awakens show!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Episode 43

The gang is all here for a packed Friday show! And right out of the gate, Jack, Derrick and Josh ramble about the plusses and minuses of shaving/clipping/waxing body hair.

John is in studio, to answer for his cinematic flaky crimes, talk shit about all manner of video game subjects, and, of course, argue Star Wars...

Jack and Derrick also explore a means to express the mutual competitiveness the harbor towards each other, and decide to have a little team sport to sort it out.

It was a lot of fun this week, and for some reason Molly was cutting up bubble wrap the whole time....

All that, and as always, a lot more, on this weeks episode.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Episode 42

The guys are back this week for a much needed reprieve from their usual busy schedule.

Without any huge upcoming events to plug, Jack, Derrick and Josh are joined by Trevor to riff about various topics including sport injuries (including a brutal one that happened over the weekend), proper movie etiquette, and flaky friends. Jack also tells Derrick about a "recent development" that leaves him livid....

We also get to touch a little on the upcoming UFC event, and how Derrick plans to ruin it for Jack.
All that, right here on All Right Radio

Friday, December 4, 2015

Episode 41

The guys are here this week to recap the packed four day weekend that just flew by, starting with Josh's ridiculous house party and culminating in the WILDLY succesfull wrestling event!

For those of you who may have missed out (you are fools) we get a run down of the nights preceding from event coordinator Adam, and the CHAMP himself, Taylor Nace.

Fights are broken down, we get to hear some behind the scenes stories, and the guys all watch a video of Derrick stuffing his face, and doing the bit...

It was truly a night to remember, and the video will be coming out soon for sure. Until then, check out the recap here, at All Right Radio.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Episode 40

What a fiasco. The boys recorded a live podcast at a raging house party thrown at Producer Josh Murphy's house, and there was a lot of liquor involved. The guys brought in a revolving cast of guests, some old friends of the show, and some new faces as well.

The topics ranged from James Bond, Joe Biden and Party Games, and culminating in a truly bonkers live session of Letters to Molly, with fans of the show asking her all sorts of things.

We hype the wrestling show a little, and you get to hear the early, faint sounds of the beginning of the end, for Derrick Lamb-Moody.

This show was a huge blast to record, and we hope you enjoy.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Episode 39

Competition is in the air this week in the Simple Studio!

New friend of the show, Mr. Robert Duquette comes in to join us as we argue about Game of Thrones, talk shit over Fantasy Football, and even draft teams for a new game we ALL invented called "Battle Kings"!

The wrestling event is hyped more, as we learn more details about how we can all get involved in watching our friends fight each other, and we revisit the party Jack threw on Saturday where his lovely girlfriend MIGHT have gotten vomit on him...

All that and more, as always, here on All Right Radio.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Episode 38

The guys have a very special guest in studio this week! Jack's lifelong friend, and fellow Unschooler, Trevor Allen is here to talk about growing up without any academic supervision.

Josh and Derrick learn all about the Hippies, the Weirdos, and the religiously inclined, who decide to take their kids out of school.

They also have the two heavyweights from the upcoming wrestling event on, and we ask them about their upcoming events. Words were exchanged.....

All that and more, leading up to the big day!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Episode 37

This weeks show is all about the losers.

We've got Josh's beloved Green Bay Packers, who suffered a tragic loss this weekend to the Detroit Lions. We also have Jack's demise in fantasy football, and the wager lost because of it. And, of course, we bring up FORMER Bantamweight champion, Rowdy Ronda Rousey's brutal loss at the hands of Holly Holmes.

To pull us out of this crushing pit of loss, we bring on opponents in the upcoming wrestling event, Andy Corbley and Joshua Campbell, who talk strategy, and more than a little shit!

Counting down days 'till that event folks, and it's looking to be great. Let us know what you folks think, and we hope you enjoy.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Episode 36

Fallout 4 hit Derrick hard. Like really hard. The guys, (including returning guest John Large) grill him about the perils of staying up all night and then trying to drive a 4 ton vehicle for the US government.

We talk about Jack and Josh's upcoming fantasy football showdown, made all the more exciting by a new wager!

And we close the show out with another fantastic segment of Questions for Molly! And hey, there's even a question for the whole room!

All that, and more, on this weeks, All Right Radio.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Episode 35

The guys are joined in studio by Adam, friend of the show as well as commissioner for the upcoming wrestling event.

We talk about the upcoming bet that Derrick has made over his main event showdown, and we INTENDED to get in to more detail about the future matches, but talk quickly devolved in to celebrity sex tapes, and paying for porn.

Did you know people still payed for porn?!?!

We didn't, and we get in to a discussion about it that really takes us on a journey.

Listen to all that and more, here, at All Right Radio

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Episode 34

The guys are all alone tonight, and Jack and Josh IMMEDIATELY turn on Derrick.

They start grilling him about his recent "incident" at his job, his stupid, inconsistent diet, and his upcoming plans to stage a coup and take over the show...

We talk wrestling, movies, and a whole lot more, on this weeks episode.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Episode 33

Happy Halloween! The guys are back to talk about the awesome party they went to over the weekend.

Derrick was let down by his flaky ass friends, and Jack talks about NOT welching on his bet. 

We get in to who got sloppy drunk, who let their inner racism out, who had the best costume and who almost died. 

They also get a little more in to the upcoming wrestling event, and talk about who is gonna' stack up with whom. 

All that, and a whole lot more, on the Tuesday show!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Episode 32

Stephen Jaeger came on the show and got EVERYBODY drunk. A great friend of the show, Stephen J. came on and told us a great story of being arrested on acid, and had a lot to fact check about our last show.

We talked a ton of video games and also had a great segment of "Letters to Molly", where we heard the answers to a ton of listeners burning questions, and played a great round of "Who Would You Fuck If You Had To?"

All that, and more, in this weeks episode.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Episode 31

Hey folks, we've got a super entertaining Tuesday show for you.

Derrick is a huge NFL fan, everyone knows that. He's such a big fan, he can name every single player who played between 1998-2006

Current players he has more trouble with, so Jack and him make a little wager meant to test his knowledge a little bit. It goes... not as planned.

The guys also touch briefly on the release of Halo 5, what games they stayed up all night playing as kids, and  other various nerdy, non sports topics.

All that and more, on this weeks, All Right Radio

Friday, October 23, 2015

Episode 30

One of our favorite guests is back! We bring back friend of the show, Noah Kenton.

Noah is working with 343 industries on the new Halo game, and even has a Halo themed music video about to come out.

He talks to us about making music for Microsoft and Halo, the new Star Wars trailer, and how to make it as an artist.

It was a super fun conversation, and we covered a lot of ground, from the silly to the deeply profound.

Check it out here, and you'll get to say that you knew Noah before he got famous!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Episode 29

The guys and Molly are in studio this week talking shit about all types of things.

They talk shit about crumby Ikea furniture, Derrick living a lie, why Tootsie Rolls are the worst candy and more. They also revisit Questions for Molly!

Fans have written in from all over to ask her and the guys some questions, and we do our best to answer them. (Spoilers, Molly might have dated a "Trainable")

Check all that out, and more, on this weeks episode.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Episode 28

The guys are back this week sans Producer Josh, who had to leave under... Mysterious circumstances..

But they solider on as always with guest Andy Corbley, who talks about his and Jack's recent trip to the frozen, northern, Beer Capital of the US, Wisconsin! Adventures with snowmobiles, bears and alcohol abound.

They also touch on Andy's homoerotic martial arts classes, his job in a warehouse, and his band!

They just came out with their second single ahead of their EP's release, and the guys give their thoughts.

All that, and more, on this weeks episode.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Episode 27

Happy October everyone! The guys are visited by The Spirit of Halloween, who, well, has some explaining to do.

They also get in to the recent UFC 192 event and why it might have been a little bit of a shit show.
We discuss Derrick's possible upcoming career as a pro wrestler named "The Postman" which leads up to a BIG announcement that we've been keeping close to our chests for some time now.

It's gonna be an exciting event that might call for Derrick to slip back in to that leotard...

It was a great show folks, we hope you enjoy listening.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Episode 26

The guys are back for the second show of the week, and they have an EXCLUSIVE interview with the category 4 Hurricane Joaquin!!

They talk with the storm about why he's been so cranky lately, and where he plans to hit first!
And everyone needs to consider how prepared they are, and Jack is absolutely ready for when the world turn in to a watery wasteland.

And we answer our very first questions from the fans! Molly came out to help us out, and SURPRISINGLY the questions get turned on her.

All that, and more, this week on All Right Radio.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Episode 25

Our 25th episode marks big changes for the show! The guys are joined by new third chair, and full time producer, Josh Murphy!

The show follows a new format that we're really excited about and can't wait for everyone to hear.

The guys talk Derrick's Tinder failure, who Josh is secretly getting down with, and Jack is asked some question from the Asian race.

All that and more, on the brand new, and always improving, All Right Radio

Monday, September 21, 2015

Episode 24

We all may have been poisoned by a swarthy creature of the night.

The guys are back this week with good friend of the show, Josh Murphy!

We talk with Josh about what happened, who bombed, and who didn't at the Roast of Derrick!
There is also talks about some upcoming events, which are sure to be equally fantastic.

We also talk about the start of football season, and Jack getting unexpectedly drafted in to his first fantasy football league.

Lastly, we share the story of an outdoor cookout gone awry, when our drinking and cavorting was invaded by a mysterious brown stranger... 

All that, and more, on this weeks episode of All Right Radio.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Episode 23

The guys reviewed some Miley Cyrus lyrics on the show this week.

Friend of the show Andy Corbley joined them in the studio to talk about Miley and the VMA's, the UFC title fight, and a bunch of other things that happened this week. 

Andy also told us about how he lost BOTH his jobs in the same week, and we make fun of him a whole bunch for being a bum.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Roast of Derrick Lamb-Moody

Here it is folks. The banners were called, and the punch was flowing, on a beautiful Saturday night at All Right Radio HQ.

Derrick and all his friends gathered to lay in to each other with a ferocity. Nobody was spared, and great fun was had by all.

Thanks again to all the roasters who prepared, (and also those who didn't), we hope to do something like this again sometime soon.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Episode 22

Christina saw this girl get stabbed one time.

What's up guys and gals, we've got a great show for you this week. The roast is drawing ever closer and we're trying to showcase some of the talent that will be taking the stage that fatefull night.

Christina is probably our smartest friend (she reads books, a lot!) and we brought her and Mckinley on to talk about how they're preparing for the roast, among other things.

The other things end up consisting a war over a family grape farm in Chile, and of Christina's wild parties she throws at her parents house, which is located in the worst neighborhood in Manassas.

She then goes on to tell us about all the crazy criminal shit she's seen go down there, and it actually gets pretty wild.

So check it out here, and let us know what you think!

Thanks for listening.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Episode 21

Hassan was bombed by Israel when he was 14. Let me back up. The guys brought on their good friend Hassan, he is Lebanese, and he chats with the us about UFC 190, Deadpool, visiting his homeland over the summer, and what it was like to come under rocket fire on the Gaza Strip.
It was a crazy chat, and certainly one of the most interesting stories we've ever heard.

Luckily he wasn't killed, and he made it back home to talk with us, And you can hear it right here, on All Right Radio.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Episode 20

We've got our big reveal this week. The guys are joined by friends of the show, Nick and Josh, and we shoot the shit for a while about a few things including our trip to the Improv over the weekend, Nick's trip to the hottest place on earth, Derrick's disappointing foray into Tinder and Josh teaching little kids to play guitar poorly.

But most importantly we reveal to Derrick the big surprise that we had planned for him.

We'll post about it later in the week, but you can find out about it first, right here. Needless to say, we're really excited about it.

Thanks for listening folks.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Episode 19

Somebody hurt themselves this 4th of July. I don't wanna say who, but you can find that out and more on this weeks episode. Jack and Derrick talk with their good buddy, Zack, and relive the fun weekend of parties and mischief.

After that, we get in to Zack's past, where he tells us a fun story about when he was younger and a hooligan who got in to all types of mischief. It's kind of unbelievable, considering what a fine, upstanding citizen he is now...

Thanks for listening to All Right Radio

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Episode 18

Welcome back listeners. We join you the week after our Pump It Up episode, and deal with the controversy that stemmed from it. We also bring back McKinley, who tells us about her dreams of performing in the circus, and exactly where that went wrong.

She now teaches kids at a local gym how to hang from scarves from the ceiling, so she's got that going for her. We also played a Tinder drinking game.

Check it out here, folks.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Episode 17

The moment of truth is here. We've been teasing this episode for months now, and we finally have our ducks in a row. We brought in a packed house to talk about the most infamous job around, Pump It Up. A palace of hedonism disguised as a children's play place, we learn all about he dirt and grime that is behind it's doors (and bouncy castles).

So strap in, it's a bridge burning episode. Secrets are wrestled out of people, and we learn who broke the law, who hooked up, and who may have gotten sexually abused. (Basically a Game of Thrones episode!) It's a long time coming, but worth the wait, enjoy.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Episode 16

Hello, friends. The boys stayed up past their bedtime this week, and went and caught Jurassic World with friend of the show Adam, and new guest Ryad. Fresh out of the movie we zipped home and did the show on it. So spoilers, obviously.

We revisit gripes we had with it from the earlier trailers for the movie, as well as lambaste the equally crumby trailers that preceded the flick itself. A full rundown of the record breaking blockbuster follows, as well as some other topics such as Christopher Lee (and other, less important) celebrity deaths, and as always, 9/11 somehow gets brought up.

It was a lot of fun, check it out here.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Episode 15

Welcome back. you sweet sweet listeners. We're back from our week off in the new studio, (empty room, sorry for the echo, we're working on that) with guests Chris and Mckinley! They have both spent time in Richmond, Virginia, our lovely state's capital, and we ask them about that.

We learn a lot about what apparently is affectionately referred to as "Trash City" and we get to hear some fucking funny stories about some gross drug dealers, a Juggalo neighbor who has found his true calling in life, and a little baby playing in river trash!

All that, and a more, this week. Thanks for listening folks.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Episode 14

Hey you sweet bitches. This week we have on the oldest person we know.
He's something like 1,034 years of age, and he used to be Derrick's boss! We have a good time chatting about a few things such as,

-Mad Max
-Hookers in New Orleans
-Derrick's job at the Postal Service
-Being prematurely old
-Under Armor screwing the Memorial Day pooch

They also make fun of Jack a lot, which is always admirable. Enjoy

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Episode 13

This week we have on Josh, a good friend of ours who has experience in terrestrial radio land! He interned and eventually was featured on air on the Mike Omeara show, and has the dreamiest radio voice one could ask for.

The guys talk about Jack's recent trip to Atlanta, Derricks's new job working as your friendly neighborhood postman, and play a game of Olympian or War Criminal!

Let us know what you think.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Episode 12

Heyhowareyeh! This is a very special episode we've got for you. The guys, joined by our good buddy Zack, are FRESH OUT of the biggest movie event of the year so far, Age of Ultron. We went to see the movie at the early 7:30 show on Thursday, and immediately raced home to get our thoughts out on paper.

So give a listen while we break down the flick, give our gripes, and bicker about trivial nonsense.

It goes without saying, SPOILERS, and if you haven't seen it yet, get to it.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Episode 11

Hey folks, it's our first show back after the break. While we did pick a BAD week to take off, we're back with a vengeance this week with our good friend Adam to chat about the JAM PACKED Marvel timeline, the NEW Jurassic Park trailer, and the good hearted folks at Salon.com making the super innocent mistake of confusing two major brown actors.

Check it out here for all things noteworthy in the world of shit we care about.


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Best Of The First 10 Episodes

We made it folks. 10 Shows in the can, and only one or two marginal disasters.
It's been quite the learning process, with Jack figuring out how to better record and produce these things, and Derrick learning that almost everyone he knows is racist.

We're really proud of this one though. We handpicked 12 clips of the best stuff from our first 10 shows, the cream of the offensive crop.

To everyone who listens regularly, thanks for stopping by every week. To anyone new, we hope you can throw this on in the car, at work, or wherever, and give us a shot. If you don't like this episode, well, you probably just don't like us as people...

We've got a bunch of exciting shows coming up in the next few weeks as well, but until then, enjoy the best of the first 10.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Episode 10 (Holy Cow)

It's a bloodbath this week. To help ring in the 10th episode, we brought in our old friend Andy, and our local movie critic, and hater of all things great, Maeve.

Things get real as we do battle across a few movie trailers, and clash over the discussion of whether or not Furious 7 is the best flick of the year.

Here there be monsters, and it gets messy. Enjoy

Also, thanks for listening the last few months. We've got exciting things in store. Until then.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Episode 9

Holy shit, we've almost made it to 10 episodes. Who would have thought that. What's up you glorious ladies and gents, it's just the two of us this week, had to bang it out quick due to scheduling and didn't have time to get a guest in. Stick around to hear us learn some things, yell about some things, and blaspheme with the best of them.

Topics this week include
-The Super Bowl (of Wrestling!) and exactly what the heck the deal with WWE is anyway.
-The Science of the Prison of Faith of Scientology
-Trevor Noah, and a few bad jokes he made 5 years ago, and why we shouldn't publicly tar and feather him.

Thanks for listening, let us know what you think.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Episode 8

You beautiful sons (and daughters) of bitches. It's week 8 of All Right Radio, thanks everyone for tuning in the last two months. We've had an absolute ball doing this thing so far, and this week is no exception.

We have another blue-eyed devil on this week. Zack joins us fresh from his trip to the hippy capital of the god-fearing south, Austin TX. He tells us some stories, and we get to laugh and rant about a few things including, but not limited to..

-Liberal extremism (or how the left was won.)
-Offensive ads for shitty products from the 1900's (and I mean REALLY offensive)
-To Catch a Predator 2.0, Zach Braff, and the dangers of crowd-funding.

Hope you enoy.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Episode 7

Hoh-lee-cow. Hello all you gorgeous people. We've got a doozy of an episode to share with you this week, and we've brought in an old friend of ours, Andy, to discuss a large range of topics.

This week we ramble about things such as

-Armchair Activism, lazy Facebook Warriors, and other things of that nature
-Batgirl and her sordid affair with The Joker
-Spending time with crackies, rioting, and surviving in the woods.
-Whether or not Jesus was all that funny.

All this and more, on All Right Radio.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Episode 6

This week we bring on a local musician and friend of the show, Noah Kenton to talk to us about his cocaine fueled recording binges in the great state of Minnesota. We also talk about

-Being Broke
-Riff Raff (Spraang Break)
-Suge (Shoog?) Knight murdering people.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Episode 5

Hey all you lovely people. This week it's about movies. We've got Adam in studio bringing us some terrible movie trailers and we pick at them like hungry rats. Some specific topics include

-Jurassic Park (or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the dinosaur)
-Robots with Soul (and the downfall of man)
-Cyber Bullying

Hope you enjoy

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Episode 4

Hey all you beautiful people. This is the fourth episode of the show, glad you've been enjoying and giving us the good feedback.

We're gonna' keep it going with this weeks episode, in which we bring in our Senior Black Correspondent, Katrina, to learn about the beautiful intricacies, and the entertainment therein, of Black Culture.

We rant this week about

-The Oscars
-Black Culture (Especially Twitter)
-Jack's shitty health

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Episode 3

What's goin' on. This is our third episode.

We've got Mckinley on third chair and it makes for a pretty good time.

This week we talk about

-50 Shades of Grey
-Small towns in the Bahamas
-Washed up people on Saturday Night Live


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Episode 2

Hey, what's up. This is the second episode of our show.

This week, we are joined by the dynamic Mr. Jesse Harman on third chair.

We talk about

-The Grammys
-Spider-Man and other Nerd Talk
-Kanye "genius voice of a generation" West

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Episode 1

Hey folks, this is the first episode.

This week we talk about

-American Sniper
-The Super Bowl
-That goofy f--king "Common"


Hey folks, this is Jack from ARR.

I'll keep this short.

I've been listening to radio for a long time. When I was a kid I used to enjoy NPR every morning, and made a game out of pronouncing their DJ's crazy f@$#king names. As long as I can remember I've wanted to be in radio so I decided to do it. This project has been in the works a long time, and I hope you listeners like it.