Friday, August 14, 2015

Episode 22

Christina saw this girl get stabbed one time.

What's up guys and gals, we've got a great show for you this week. The roast is drawing ever closer and we're trying to showcase some of the talent that will be taking the stage that fatefull night.

Christina is probably our smartest friend (she reads books, a lot!) and we brought her and Mckinley on to talk about how they're preparing for the roast, among other things.

The other things end up consisting a war over a family grape farm in Chile, and of Christina's wild parties she throws at her parents house, which is located in the worst neighborhood in Manassas.

She then goes on to tell us about all the crazy criminal shit she's seen go down there, and it actually gets pretty wild.

So check it out here, and let us know what you think!

Thanks for listening.

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