Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Best Of The First 10 Episodes

We made it folks. 10 Shows in the can, and only one or two marginal disasters.
It's been quite the learning process, with Jack figuring out how to better record and produce these things, and Derrick learning that almost everyone he knows is racist.

We're really proud of this one though. We handpicked 12 clips of the best stuff from our first 10 shows, the cream of the offensive crop.

To everyone who listens regularly, thanks for stopping by every week. To anyone new, we hope you can throw this on in the car, at work, or wherever, and give us a shot. If you don't like this episode, well, you probably just don't like us as people...

We've got a bunch of exciting shows coming up in the next few weeks as well, but until then, enjoy the best of the first 10.

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