Friday, October 28, 2016

Episode 117 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, we talk about peeing in public restrooms, and the etiquette of smalltalk.

Episode 118

Welcome back to All Right Radio, everyone. The guys are joined in studio by our good friend Robert, to discuss a variety of topics, but, more importantly, they're joined by our new in studio shrink!

Yes, Jack had a the bright idea to have a lady friend of ours who is a Psych major, come and join us for a few shows to evaluate just how crazy we all are, and to eventually publish a profile on each one of us. Derrick and Jack begin to immediately have a "crazy arms race" to prove that they are the most sane of the hosts, and by the end of she show, she had a paragraph on each of them.

Jack talks about pumpkin carving with his girlfriends family, and the politics of playing favorites. We talk about drive through anxiety, and other psychological quirks, and Jack reveals a deep seated hatred for pop songs from the 70's.

We preview the Halloween costumes we will all debut this weekend, and Robert brings a terrible (amazing?) anime to our attention, which centers around women fighting each other with their tits and asses. 

Have a lovely holiday everyone, and we will see you next week!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Episode 117

This VERY special Tuesday show brings the LONG awaited appearance of Derrick's lovely and talented special friend to the show. And she's got quite the tale for us.

Before we get into the main event of the evening, the guys recap Sunday's happenings, which included Adam tearing a muscle in his leg and getting hopped up on some sweet pain killers.

Derrick and his guest have a story about a terrible experience they had at a local terrible restaurant, and Jack's antics from last week are becoming even more vindicated.

And as the main course, we have a story about an absolutely abysmal first date that our guest recently went on, which, just has to be heard to be believed. Truly one for the record books.

Thanks for listening folks, we'll see you on the Friday show.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Episode 116

We've got a huge show for you on Friday, folks. And to celebrate, the guys packed the studio with some great guests. Superfan, Molly, and friend of the show John Large join us to talk about a whole bunch of stuff.

Firstly, Jack submits himself to judgement over a tipping controversy at a local bar, and find an unexpected ally in Adam. Listeners, judge for yourselves...

Jack also partly destroyed his friends bathroom at a party, and explains how it WASN'T HIS FAULT!

We check in on a depressing piece of white garbage on snapchat, and watch her life fall apart, in a journey that goes from funny to depressing. A fan sends in a question for the guys that has them PUZZLED, and a deep, deep discussion unfurls about the consistency of each others poops.

It was a super fun episode folks, hope you enjoy it!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Episode 115

We've got a quiet Friday show to send you in to your weekend folks. Jack kicks the show off with some major fretting about the state of Postseason Baseball. Specifically, his Washington Nationals, who at the moment of recording, were playing for their playoff lives. We chat about playing games as children, and using our imagination to take advantage of our siblings. 

Everyone realizes how scary and fucked up the Disney movie Pinnochio was, and turn our attention to our favorite subject to bash, 90's nostalgia. The Power Ranger trailer is watched, and mocked, and Jack tells the guys about another cinematic abomination that's coming soon. The Emoji Movie...

Hope you all have a great weekend, and make sure to check out Film Fix!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Episode 114

Moly joins the guys in studio once again for a fun Tuesday show. Sadly, the guys are without their expected guest, who had a story about a terrible date she went on, so Jack told a story of one of his instead. And like all of Jack's stories, it doesn't look good for him.

Derrick got a promotion at work, and we chat a little about football on Sunday, where Jack Re-re-re-re-injured his toe. He takes it out for everyone to see and Molly almost throws up.

Jack's lovely lady tells a story about her weekend of (surprise surprise) being hungover, and getting lost in the woods, and Jack says goodbye and good riddance to the Trump Taj Majal, which shut it's doors earlier that morning.

Thanks for listening everyone, love you all.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Episode 113 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, Molly struggles to defend her taste in scary movies, and Derrick hatches a plan.

Episode 113

Happy October listeners, the gang is getting in the spirit of the season while talking about terrible horror movies they've seen, and what lewd, sexual acts have been committed during the viewing. This leads to stories of being scared of the dark, foxes, and moms, from childhood.

Derrick addresses the bet with Stephen, and in a single setting, completely bosses up, and then deflates in record time.

The gang worries about the hurricane raining out Sundays's plans, but we all agree to a suicide pact instead, so it's ok.

Lastly, a RECORD BREAKING cringe from our old pall, Jason.

Thanks for listening folks, see you next week.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Episode 112


That's the ESPN intro music as best I could type it out. The boys are back after an exciting football showdown over the weekend, both in fantasy and in real life. And we go over the highlights of the game on Sunday with Derrick, who ended up missing it due to work.

Derrick ups the bet to even higher, uh, heights. In fact, the bet is getting so out of hand that Jack is offering Stephen an out, and he would be wise to take it.

Finally, Derrick tells the guys about his HOT date he went on earlier in the night, and Jack is less than thrilled about the situation.

Thanks for listening folks, and we hope to see you THIS SUNDAY, for more football.