Friday, September 30, 2016

Episode 111

A quiet Friday show to go with the shitty weather the east coast is getting. Jack, Adam, and Derrick are in studio to chat about the upcoming football game, and Jack makes some bold claims about his health that the gang is skeptical about. We also cover some reactions to the fantastic show on Tuesday, including one listener saying he'd "load his shotgun up just in case".

Derrick proves his etymological prowess in a game of "Black or White" with NFL football players, and Jack gloats about his current Fantasy Football DOMINATION of Superfan.

We address the current imbalance of power between the two hosts, and Jack shares a precautionary tale, which anyone who has a cell phone bill should take a listen to.

It was a fun show, even without Producer Josh. Thanks for listening folks.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Episode 110

The guys come to you on this lovely Tuesday in fall during a HEATED Fantasy football competition. Stephen Jaegar ups the stakes of the bet even further, and Derrick considers his options.

A lovely rant about Vin Diesel carries us away from our main topic of discussion for the day, which is a bizarre voicemail left on a friend of Jack's phone. A woman claiming to be the lovechild of Ex-Chief of Staff under Reagan, James Baker, leaves a 4 minute long message admitting to assassinations, secret societies, and a lovely french onion dip recipe. Seriously.

The guys stop laughing about halfway through and start worrying about their safety in case they accidentally discovered a government conspiracy. It was a pretty crazy occurrence.

Guest Robert also tells us about his show he played on Saturday, and Jack compliments Derrick on his recent football "spot-on" analysis.

Thanks for listening.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Episode 109

Josh and Jack are back this week, and the Anarchy of the last few episodes is finally squelched out. Molly and Jack help figure out once and for all what is being said at the beginning of the John Cena theme, and Derrick gets a fitting gift from Superfan. 

Not wanting to make Derrick feel too bad for TOO many episodes in a row, Jack shares a story about embarrassing himself at a funeral, to the face of the deceased's father. It was brutal. Fantasy football bets are addressed, and Jack tells some creepy stories about his trip to Lake Anna, where the single campers were stalked by a very lonely Jason Vorhees. 

A grand time was had by all, and we're excited to get back to our regular schedule with you all.
Thanks for listening.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Episode 106

Hey everyone, sorry the episodes are a little out of order the last week but we've had a hell of a time getting all our ducks in a row with the holiday and Jack coming down with a debilitating illness.

But we're gonna' make it up to you with a very special treat. While Derrick was out at his Kanye West concert, not paying for things and generally fumbling the whole evening, Jack and Adam recorded a very special episode of the show, that can not be missed.

It's incredibly embarrassing and frankly kind of horrible that we went through with this, but those are the sacrifices you make in this business.

We hope you enjoy this, we sure did.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Episode 105

On this Tuesday show the guys are once again missing Josh, who might have to go down to one a week so he can continue "teaching" and "molding the impressionable youths". Adam is in studio however and the guys discuss the Labor Day party that he threw over the weekend.

Lot's of amusing events transpired, including awkward single guys pining after the girls there, drunken wrestling, and the disappointing LACK of a Peruvian Vampire this year. Jack and Adam give their opinions on where and how their single friends went wrong, Tomato Bisque makes a fool out of himself, and Derrick relives the worst moment of his childhood with a bunch of strangers.

Friend / gambling rival of the show, Stephen Jaeger calls in, to address his calling out of Derrick on the fan page, and accept the upping of the stakes on their bet. And of course, he ups them even further. This is putting mounting pressure on Jack, who really is only OK at Fantasy Football.

Finally, Derrick has a HUGE surprise for Jack (and Adam) about his vacant Kanye West ticket.

Thanks for listening folks, see you on Friday.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Episode 104

On this edition of the Friday show, Jack brings in his sister Mckinley, who recently got back from a trip overseas. She partied her was across Europe and has plenty of funny stories to tell about it. She partied with lesbians in Paris, and Canadians in Amsterdam, all of whom were very keen on providing as much drugs and alcohol as they could. 

Josh and Jack talk a little about their fantasy football draft party, and how much little of it they functionally remember. This is all good new for Derrick, who of course, once again, calls out Stephen to double up their bet on Jack's failure. 

There's a story about a domestic dispute that ended with 30 cops being called in the neighborhood, and a brief moment of realization about the Harry Potter universe and their handling of sex crime.

Have a great Labor Day weekend everyone.