Friday, July 29, 2016

Episode 99

Jack and Derrick are very excited to bring you All Right Radio's 99th episode! With only a week away from our 100th, our excitement levels are pretty high. But before that happens we have another classic All Right Radio story for you folks. 

Jack opens the show with an update on Molly's whereabouts, and why he might not be in the good graces of her family at the moment. He defends himself from his accusers and doubles down on the shows behalf, because, like any belligerent Irishman, he won't concede to being wrong. 

The bulk of the show is a story so hilariously tragic that it takes nearly two segments to tell fully, but that's a good thing. There was a nerd fight at a video game party hosted by Josh last week, and if that sentence doesn't get you keyed up, we don't know what will. One, barely functioning geek goes yard on a good friend of Jack's, and pays the price for it with his dignity, self respect, and presumably his liver. It was a hell of a story. 

Friend of the show Robert shows us a phenomenon in Japan called Bagel-Heads, and we all lose our shit with confusion and disgust. We talk a little bit about what we can expect from the 100th episode, and we hope we will see all you beautiful listeners there!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Episode 98

We're back this weekend with a VERY special episode listeners. Andy Corbley is back from his 2 month trip around Europe, and we talk to him about his travels.

Before we get into that story, we cover a few things from earlier in the week, such as Josh's party he doesn't remember. Derrick's life continues to deteriorate, and most importantly, we announce the date for All Right Radio 100.

Andy then leads us on a journey of hot chicks, walls that aren't high enough, and a scary band of Algerian thieves, recounting his trip abroad. We talk each of the cities he visited, and offer our thoughts on where he went wrong, and what he could have done better.

It was a great talk, and as the days get closer to 100, more details will be released.

Thanks for listening everyone!

Friday, July 15, 2016

Episode 97

Josh is back from Socialist Europe!!! Of course we're glad to have him home in our loving arms, and we grill him about his trip to Amsterdam, and wring every possible detail out of his dulcet-toned mouth. We ask him about the drugs, the women, and I think we all get convinced we need to move to the Netherlands.

Derrick and Jack both got themselves into awkward social interactions, and we examine how poorly each of them handled it.

And lastly, a Pokemon GO update from the fellas. The game continues to grow in popularity, and Derrick has changed his tune from last episode, and jumped on board fully, although maybe not for the reason you might hope.

Thanks for listening folks, have a great weekend!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Episode 96

Welcome back to the show folks. Jack is back from his vacation, but Producer Josh, is not however. This leads the guys to speculate on how that trip might be going, especially because Josh's new amore has her younger brother along with her.

A brief recap of the UFC 200 is in order, and Derrick makes a fool of himself in front of everyone by revealing that he fell asleep at 8 PM instead of watching the fight.

Jack spoils the ending of Ghostbusters, and it's even worse than you think.

And, finally, we all talk Pokemon Go. The craze that's sweeping the nation has everyone outside on their phones, and Jack and Adam have a few amusing stories and encounters to share from their first few days of hunting for 'Mons. Derrick almost expectedly, has way too much trouble figuring the game out...

Thanks for listening folks, and happy Pokemon hunting!

Friday, July 8, 2016

Episode 95

We cordially invite our listeners to join us in our retelling of the annual 4th of July party on the lake!
Jack had a bash to celebrate our country's birthday and things got wild, as per the norm. Before we get to that, we have to pause the show to investigate a domestic dispute, and get a Jack health update. And also per the norm, it's not an improvement.

The party itself was wild as well, and included everything from fireworks accidents, drunken wrestling escapades and of course, a little girl on girl action. Derrick started randomly interviewing party goers, and Jack had to stare down the largest party planning anxiety of all time. All in all, a great success.

We close the show off wth a little preview of thing to come. Both UFC 200, AND All Right Radio 100 are coming up, and we couldn't be more excited.

Thanks for listening folks.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Episode 94

Josh is gone this week, listeners. We know, we miss him too. To fill his shoes, the guys bring in Robert to chat about a whole bunch of stuff. Jack and Derrick reminisce back to some of their great works, as the march towards episode 100 draws nearer. Specifically, the guys celebrate the episode that got them in the most rouble, and nearly started a podcast war, the Pump It Up show.

Adam joins later on with a mangled wrist from playing goalie, and the gang talks about the trials and tribulations of rec-league soccer, as well as how best to jump in to watching the sport live. 

Molly tells a short story about drinking ALL THE WINE and harassing Jack and his friends, and we all wax poetic on opioid addiction and furries. Pretty standard really.

Thanks for listening folks, have a great 4th of July weekend, listeners!