Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Episode 11

Hey folks, it's our first show back after the break. While we did pick a BAD week to take off, we're back with a vengeance this week with our good friend Adam to chat about the JAM PACKED Marvel timeline, the NEW Jurassic Park trailer, and the good hearted folks at Salon.com making the super innocent mistake of confusing two major brown actors.

Check it out here for all things noteworthy in the world of shit we care about.


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Best Of The First 10 Episodes

We made it folks. 10 Shows in the can, and only one or two marginal disasters.
It's been quite the learning process, with Jack figuring out how to better record and produce these things, and Derrick learning that almost everyone he knows is racist.

We're really proud of this one though. We handpicked 12 clips of the best stuff from our first 10 shows, the cream of the offensive crop.

To everyone who listens regularly, thanks for stopping by every week. To anyone new, we hope you can throw this on in the car, at work, or wherever, and give us a shot. If you don't like this episode, well, you probably just don't like us as people...

We've got a bunch of exciting shows coming up in the next few weeks as well, but until then, enjoy the best of the first 10.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Episode 10 (Holy Cow)

It's a bloodbath this week. To help ring in the 10th episode, we brought in our old friend Andy, and our local movie critic, and hater of all things great, Maeve.

Things get real as we do battle across a few movie trailers, and clash over the discussion of whether or not Furious 7 is the best flick of the year.

Here there be monsters, and it gets messy. Enjoy

Also, thanks for listening the last few months. We've got exciting things in store. Until then.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Episode 9

Holy shit, we've almost made it to 10 episodes. Who would have thought that. What's up you glorious ladies and gents, it's just the two of us this week, had to bang it out quick due to scheduling and didn't have time to get a guest in. Stick around to hear us learn some things, yell about some things, and blaspheme with the best of them.

Topics this week include
-The Super Bowl (of Wrestling!) and exactly what the heck the deal with WWE is anyway.
-The Science of the Prison of Faith of Scientology
-Trevor Noah, and a few bad jokes he made 5 years ago, and why we shouldn't publicly tar and feather him.

Thanks for listening, let us know what you think.