Thursday, December 22, 2016

Episode 127

It's the last episode before Christmas, and the fellas are doing their best to stay woke, despite MTV trying their hardest to stop them. The fantasy football bet came to an end, and the loser is declared. Derrick has Trump voters ambushing him on his mail routes, and they're giving him money in exchange for a black friend. Jack muses about a queer video game character, and we watch a video telling White People how to be better...

Merry Christmas, listeners, we love yah.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Episode 126

Josh is out, so we talked about 100 different things to make up for his absence. Here's a quick list.

  • Star Wars betrayal
  • A local robbery
  • Weird rubbery babies
  • Steroid allegations in SUPLEX CITY
  • Nightmare Christmas shopping scenarios 
  • Misleading dildo shop names
And finally, the most Molly story you've ever heard in your whole life. 

We hope we make you laugh a bunch, here's the show. 

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Episode 125

The gang is all in on the holiday party, and the season that goes with it. We talk about vegan dietary habits, movie super teams, and the traditional, Pakistani Shameg. 

Jack brings a story of his adventure at a birthday party he was at recently, and the tangled, messy love triangle he found himself in the middle of. A drunken Jungle Man made it super weird for everyone, and it got really awkward. 

Lastly, a conspiracy a year in the making, finally comes to a head in a dramatic reveal, that may unseat Jack's dominant fantasy football performance. 

Thanks for listening.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Episode 124

The full crew is in studio with guest Superfan, to talk about what they got up to over the Holiday weekend, and the following week. Derrick's friendsgiving got unexpectedly pukey, and predictably drunky.

An indie band became very upset with a social media post made by Jack and a legion of fans came swarming to show their disdain, and we have the chat logs from one of the more heated attackers.  

And of course, the BET is winding down, and now that it's in it's final, closing days, Derrick appears to be getting nervous.

Enjoy the show folks.