Friday, May 27, 2016

Episode 84

It's the last show in the current studio and the guys (and Molly) are sending it off as best we know how. By making jokes about robots, Jack's health, crumby movies. 

We start the show off with a Molly giving Jack shit for not helping more in the moving process. Jack then gives a valuable life lesson on the virtues of procrastination. 

An update on Jack's waning health is revealed, and the seemingly endless supply of jokes at his suspense keep flowing. 

We watch a trailer for a movie so bad, it seems made up, and maybe uncover a global money laundering conspiracy. 

Finally, Jack and Molly tell tales of redneck glory from Memorial Day's past, and prove that you should never mix alcohol, 4-wheelers, and venemous snakes. 

Thanks for listening folks, and we'll see you in the new studio!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Episode 83 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, Molly talks about her coworkers boobs, and Jack hatches a plan.

Episode 83

Welcome back folks, thanks for joining us on this (presumably) rainy day. 

Jack has apparently been driving around in a car that is on the verge of murdering him, and he shares his experience he had with Honda while trying to NOT to be killed horrifically.

Derrick is having trouble caring about the X-Men, and we have a brief chat about why that is, and if his apathy is warranted. X-Men Apocalypse has the salt taken out of it's big bad, and naturally we shit on the original 3.

Adam has been living a waking nightmare recently. Derrick has been (probably forcing) him to play a survival horror video game, Until Dawn. Adam doesn't handle scary things well, and we've got the video to prove it. 

Lastly, we wave farewell, FOR NOW, to Gym Guy, and explain why we had to put his bit on the shelf.

Thanks for listening folks we'll see you on Friday.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Episode 82

Happy Friday, all you lovely listeners. Josh is missing, and Robert takes his place for this show. Quickly things take a turn for the sad when Derrick tells us all about his old job working for a Karaoke guy in his 50's who has a catchphrase. The guys wonder where he is now, and talk about the worst offenders when it comes to the ancient, Japanese art.

Jack tells a story about a concert he went to, and explains the subtle art of dance-elbowing your way through a crowd. Robert reveals his first ever concert was Nickleback, and the gang reminisces on the old days, when all the songs on the radio sounded the same and stunk.

Lastly, a run through of the cringiest music video ever, proving that no matter how hard you try to be Jagger/Rose/Tyler you just look like a tool.

Thanks for listening folks.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Episode 81

Hey everyone! We missed you on Friday! Jack was out of town in Cleveland and left the show in Derrick and Adam's very capable hands for the week. To quote Derrick, it was "a fucking disaster". So we probe those two about what went down on the show's FIRST "lost episode".

Jack then goes on to talk about his trip, and an amusing run in he had with some enthusiastic Chorus kids from New Jersey, and the awesome house he stayed in which was seriously lacking in strippers and coke. 

Robert joins us on mic to talk about the weekend festivities, and lastly, like a battered housewife, Jack comes CRAWLING back into the very LARGE hands of Donald Trump. Much to Derrick's chagrin.

Sorry we missed you last week folks, we went long to make up for it!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Episode 80 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, Molly talks about who she would marry, fuck and kill from Civil War, and what exactly a Zune is.

Episode 80

Spoiler Alert! Welcome back folks, the gang is here to talk CAPTAIN America 3: Civil War. We bought in our new, Senior "Blerd" correspondent, Carlos, to chat about the flick with us.

We talk things we liked, things we didn't, and as always, dig into little crevices you may not have noticed. Like for instance, did you notice every time that Black Panther shows up, they play the "African music"?! Jack noticed, and made sure we all know about it. 

Whether or not you liked it (Noah), there's content for everyone here, and if you have friends who have seen it, shoot this their way. 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Episode 79

EMW 2 is just a day away folks! The guys are buzzing with excitement, except for Josh, who is about to pass out from a lack of sleep. He's having a rough few weeks, and to take his mind off of his responsibilities, the gang launches into this weeks topics with a vigor.

Firstly, there's new Power Rangers outfits for a new movie that's being made, and Jack and Derrick are really confused as to why anyone over the age of 12 cares about this at all. Ted Cruz backed out of politics (to further a career in MMA) and handed the nomination (and presumably the presidency) to Trump. Jack rants about the constant and frustrating dumbing down of the online experience, and closes the show out with a video to end all videos.

We hope to see all you listeners at EMW2 on Saturday, and we hope you enjoy this episode.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Episode 78

The gang is back on the Tuesday show to talk to you lovely people about a little of everything.
Jack fell into a pit of uber-fan hype this weekend when Radiohead toyed with it's fanbases emotions, and we get into a discussion about being tricked into getting excited for things that let you down.

After a brief mocking of the hilariously bad Resident Evil franchise the gang jumps into some speculation and thoughts on the upcoming Captain America 3: Civl War. Will it be good, who's gonna die, and OBVIOUSLY, who would you marry, fuck, and kill..

It was a fun episode, and the hype for EMW 2 is building to an all time high.

Thanks for listening folks.