Friday, February 26, 2016

Episode 59 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, Molly and the guys peruse sex robots, and explore Molly's irrational obsession with being balanced...

Episode 59

Beep-Boop, the gang is here this week to talk robots, among other things. The new video from robotics lab Boston Dynamics is viewed, and a fiery debate sparks between Derrick and Josh about the upcoming INNEVITABLE machine uprising!

Jack schools everyone on the current tumultuous status of the UFC, specifically, who is going to punch the shamrocks out of Connor McGregor. Also, an uninvited guest muscles his way into the studio to let the fellas know what he thinks of the UFC, and black people...

Finally, everyone watches a new trailer for the Porno movie that 4chan wrote, and well, with a sentence like that, you can only imagine how it goes...

It was a wackier show than normal folks, thanks for listening, and shout outs to all the new fans!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Episode 58 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, the gang grills Molly about her Birthday, and EVERYONE mixes up black people.

Episode 58

The guys are here to talk about Trump. It's the bug sweeping the nation, and it seems like everyone is catching it! How you describe that bug, be it in a positive light, or something you need to call out sick for, it's undeniable that he is an interesting fellow.

So naturally the gang, joined by good friend of the show Robert, discuss if he's the doom of man incarnate, if he's be fun to hang out with, and what they think Trump's america might look like...

After that, everyone plays "The Rotten Tomatoes Game" (tm), a quiz where you try and guess the tomatometer score of a given actor or genre, and OF COURSE we went with Tom Cruise.

As is tradition on All Right Radio, loser gets tasered, and it's a close competition.

Thanks for listening folks, and please shoot us a review on iTunes if you like what you hear, and tell your friends!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Episode 57 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, the guys dig in to why Molly is just so damn mean to Jack all the time, and whether or not she'd fuck in public!

Episode 57

Welcome back, listeners! We hope your Valentine's Day was filled with romance and excitement, the exact OPPOSITE of the story we told on last week's episode.

We are back again this week with a follow-up on the Valentine's Day rave Josh went to, and an in-depth look into the mind of a mobile dating tyrant. (Hint: its not Derrick)

The guys talk about the logistics of a healthy threesome, and how much they would each charge for a literal "money shot".

Thanks for listening, folks, and let us know what you think.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Episode 56 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

On this episode, Molly tells us about her High School boyfriend, and how she lost her virginity!!

Episode 56

Love is in the air everyone! The guys take to the mics today to tell you about Valentines day's past and present, and old romantic blunders.

Josh talks to us about what his plans are, and how much hand sanitizer he will need for them, and then he turns the floor over to Jack and Adam, who proceed to tell the greatest story ever told. 

Jack and Adam, caught up in the chaotic madness of hormonal insanity, used to date the same girl, at the same time... And if this tale doesn't just tug at your every heartstring (and cringe worse than you ever have in your life) then you just aren't human...

So listen up folks, and enjoy. Your life will never be as sad and pathetic, as Jack's was when he was 14... 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Episode 55 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riff on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

Episode 55

Fan favorite, and good friend of the show, Noah Kenton, drops in the studio to talk with the guys about what he's been up to since they last saw him, and also proves that he, like Derrick, is not aware of what color Cam Newton is.

Of course, Super Bowl talk is inevitable, and the guys get into the game, the halftime show, and Jack and Derrick talk about what they got into at the Chili Cookoff they were at.

Derrick's inner Mike Vick came out, and Jack professed his hate for a bad dog owner.

A fan of the show sent in a good twitter account to laugh at, and a lot of time was spent giggling at other people's expense. 

And the episode wouldn't be complete without making Molly uncomfortable, and Josh does just that, as well as tipping everyone off to some great Valentines Day ideas!

This was a packed episode, and we barely had time for everything we wanted to get to.


Friday, February 5, 2016

Episode 54 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riffs on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

Episode 54

The guys are in studio for our pre Superbowl show, and boy do we cover some ground. Josh rattles off some blistering statistics off the top of his head, Adam continues to be TOO big a fan of the Panthers, and Jack and Derrick just try to keep up with the two of them. Who did Derrick think was a white guy? How do we determine who is "smart" or "athletic" at football. What does OG stand for?!?! All the answers to these questions on today's show.

We hope everyone enjoys the big game this Sunday, and what better way to enjoy your Friday, than with All Right Radio.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Episode 53 Aftershow

On the Aftershow, host Molly takes us back through some of the topics of the night, and the guys riffs on whatever comes to mind, and usually try to make her squirm a little bit.

Episode 53

Coming HOT off the heels of a scheduling conflict with friend of the show, Noah Kenton, the guys make due without him as best they can.

Turns out the best they can equals Jack telling everyone about a delightfully insane movie he saw over the weekend, a cute lil' "children's" movie called Milo and Otis. Think Homeward Bound if it was made in a nation without animal abuse laws....

Derrick saw an amateur wrestling event, and Josh puts the FINAL punctuation mark on an ongoing "issue" he's had with a lady in his life.

It was quite the show folks, and DEFINITELY try and watch the movie we'll have up on the page, it's.... eye opening.