Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The All Right Radio Holiday Party

The guys bring you exclusive audio of their show recorded at the All Right Radio Holiday party. Hosted at the studio itself, we bring you a mixed bag of Christmas (and Kwanza) cheer, and drinking and violence.

There is drinking games, a cocktail contest, white elephant, and someone probably gets stabbed in the hand .

There was also prizes for our loyal listeners, and the faint sound of a few people hitting each other with quarters in the backgroud.

It was a beautiful night, with a crackling fire and lots of holiday cheer. So sit down with us and join in the fun!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Episode 45

The guys are back after a long week to talk all about holiday shopping, Star Wars, and the buying video games blindfolded (figuratively)...

Adam joins the crew in studio as they go over a spoiler free detailing of The Force Awakens, and decide where it places in terms of awesome lightsaber fights...

They also talk about the upcoming All Right Radio HOLIDAY party, and learn that Derrick, actually celebrates Kwanza. He tells us what that means, and we all learn to be more diverse.

Jack retells the story about how he hurt his ass, and we bemoan the evils of last minute Holiday shopping.

All that and much, much more, on this weeks episode!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Episode 44

Hey folks, we're here to help you start your week off right! And what better way to do that than to relive what a great weekend it was for everyone.

We talk about all the fights at UFC 194, a potentially life changing game of flag football, and weather or not Jack took too much of a toll on his body (he did).

After that, the Star Wars hype train keeps rolling as we come close to the Friday release, and the guys bring in Molly to talk a little bit about her vast knowledge of the franchise.

Jack and Derrick make their predictions, and Josh resists spoiling the ending for everyone. Molly then tries her hand at a little game of true or false, to put her trivia skills to work.

It was a super fun episode, and we will see you all on SATURDAY for the post Force Awakens show!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Episode 43

The gang is all here for a packed Friday show! And right out of the gate, Jack, Derrick and Josh ramble about the plusses and minuses of shaving/clipping/waxing body hair.

John is in studio, to answer for his cinematic flaky crimes, talk shit about all manner of video game subjects, and, of course, argue Star Wars...

Jack and Derrick also explore a means to express the mutual competitiveness the harbor towards each other, and decide to have a little team sport to sort it out.

It was a lot of fun this week, and for some reason Molly was cutting up bubble wrap the whole time....

All that, and as always, a lot more, on this weeks episode.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Episode 42

The guys are back this week for a much needed reprieve from their usual busy schedule.

Without any huge upcoming events to plug, Jack, Derrick and Josh are joined by Trevor to riff about various topics including sport injuries (including a brutal one that happened over the weekend), proper movie etiquette, and flaky friends. Jack also tells Derrick about a "recent development" that leaves him livid....

We also get to touch a little on the upcoming UFC event, and how Derrick plans to ruin it for Jack.
All that, right here on All Right Radio

Friday, December 4, 2015

Episode 41

The guys are here this week to recap the packed four day weekend that just flew by, starting with Josh's ridiculous house party and culminating in the WILDLY succesfull wrestling event!

For those of you who may have missed out (you are fools) we get a run down of the nights preceding from event coordinator Adam, and the CHAMP himself, Taylor Nace.

Fights are broken down, we get to hear some behind the scenes stories, and the guys all watch a video of Derrick stuffing his face, and doing the bit...

It was truly a night to remember, and the video will be coming out soon for sure. Until then, check out the recap here, at All Right Radio.