Thursday, July 23, 2015

Episode 20

We've got our big reveal this week. The guys are joined by friends of the show, Nick and Josh, and we shoot the shit for a while about a few things including our trip to the Improv over the weekend, Nick's trip to the hottest place on earth, Derrick's disappointing foray into Tinder and Josh teaching little kids to play guitar poorly.

But most importantly we reveal to Derrick the big surprise that we had planned for him.

We'll post about it later in the week, but you can find out about it first, right here. Needless to say, we're really excited about it.

Thanks for listening folks.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Episode 19

Somebody hurt themselves this 4th of July. I don't wanna say who, but you can find that out and more on this weeks episode. Jack and Derrick talk with their good buddy, Zack, and relive the fun weekend of parties and mischief.

After that, we get in to Zack's past, where he tells us a fun story about when he was younger and a hooligan who got in to all types of mischief. It's kind of unbelievable, considering what a fine, upstanding citizen he is now...

Thanks for listening to All Right Radio

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Episode 18

Welcome back listeners. We join you the week after our Pump It Up episode, and deal with the controversy that stemmed from it. We also bring back McKinley, who tells us about her dreams of performing in the circus, and exactly where that went wrong.

She now teaches kids at a local gym how to hang from scarves from the ceiling, so she's got that going for her. We also played a Tinder drinking game.

Check it out here, folks.